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Disappearing Section Content

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    Disappearing Section Content

    I got Actinic a month ago and my new site is live and looks great (with alot of help from my Actinic re-seller (Miranda at and Lara, from Actinic tech support (who really knows her stuff btw).

    I've just got a little problem that I was wondering whether anyone could help me with. I have looked thoroughly through the forums, but have found nothing on this subject.

    Lara from Actinic tech support has been helping we with this problem today and this is what she emailed me last thing - "The problem of the disappearing section content is beyond my powers of deduction to fix, so as discussed I have asked our developers for some advice on what is causing the problem."

    Just one dept (the top one on the left menu) is mis-behaving. Out of the blue today it was empty. After playing around for ages, the sub-sections will now show but the products within are not there. In playing about I noticed that if I made a copy of the section that isn't working and pasted it in as a new section with new references etc then BOTH sections show.

    My site is and the dept is the Slings & Baby Carriers (

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best wishes,

    Hettie Harris.
    Hettie Harris

    Natural Mum & Natural Child

    'Natural Products for You & Your Family' &

    As a last resort Miranda from has now managed a work around that isn't entirely satisfactory but will do until a correct solution is found. "I created a sub section of the Sale Dept callled test section do not use, and there's a few more sub sub sections do not use and finally pasted in the whole of the sling section beyond that. I can't hide the duplicate sling products or make them not available to order online, because as soon as I hide the duplicate it disappears in the main section, and if I make the duplicate (which incidentally isn't a duplicate as such but a copy with a different product code) not available to order then the main product isn't available to order either! The whole thing is really peculiar and I cannot think what has gone wrong or how it's happened, but maybe someone out there can help?!"
    Hettie Harris

    Natural Mum & Natural Child

    'Natural Products for You & Your Family' &


      I wonder whether there is a "hide on website" flag lingering by mistake. Select to "hide on website", apply the change and then take it back off. See if that does anything after a database compact and a refresh not an update.


        No, definately not. We have scoured the dept. Thankyou for that though.

        The temp fix it Miranda did last night now has the products showing, but you can't purchase them.


        Sorry just re-read your mail and understand what you want me to do. Just off to try it!
        Hettie Harris

        Natural Mum & Natural Child

        'Natural Products for You & Your Family' &

