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Templates, where the heck are they?

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    Templates, where the heck are they?

    I was using Actinic 5 before and was used to the fact that all my html templates where physically sitting in my site1 folder. It has changed in v8, and every template is (or so it seems) only accessible from within Actinic (I've yet to find out were the actual templates are stored). What I want to know is how to make sure that all the changes I've made are actually safe (ie I want to make sure I can retrieve them, and, if so, how I can retrieve them). I'm asking this because it happened once: 3 days work were lost after my having replaced the ActinicCatalog.mdb file. The templates had simply reverted to the originals.


    Apart from your external design and external css files if you are using them the layout information is stored in the database. Make regular snapshots to keep your data safe.


      Most people lose days or even months of work because they have incorrect working procedures. If you are working on your site, take regular snapshots before and after and create a library of backups. You can always return to where you were then if something goes wrong.

      As for templates, forget most of what you already know, V8 is a different beast. In design - library you can see all the layouts available, simple click on one and take a look at it to get an idea for what is going on.


        Originally posted by lazyeye
        3 days work were lost after my having replaced the ActinicCatalog.mdb file. The templates had simply reverted to the originals.
        If working on layouts I tend to take copies and snapshots every hour of work let alone 3 days! It is so easy to kill stuff in v8 and it is less stable than a communist government - having a backup always to hand is essential - especially as the vast majority of stuff is handled internally.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I'm asking this because it happened once: 3 days work were lost after my having replaced the ActinicCatalog.mdb file.
          layouts are now held in the database, you overwrote the DB, hence lost your 3 days


            Have you database backed up at all, outside chance of a reinstall this way. When you close actinic and the window pops up, do you click 'backup'?

