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Component Confusion

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    Component Confusion


    Am having trouble working out how to use Components, Attributes and Options to sell add on products but am having trouble working out how to do this.

    I have a main product A with 2 subsidiary products B and C. I can sell A on it's own or with B or with C or with both. I can also sell B and C separately so they have their own visible product codes.

    My question is how I should set these up so that I can use a radio button to select either or both of the additional optional products and how to get the products to show with their additional cost and to add that additional amount to the cart.

    I seem to be going round in circles so am hoping someone will explain so that my confusion ends!

    Thanks, Paul.

    Your best thing to learn about these is the example products actinic put in your site to start with. Having said that most people delete them before even looking. Your situation should be something like the following:

    Create 3 separate products all with their own price - A, B & C.

    On A, add 2 components (B&C) and set the pricing model to total up product and components together.

    You could also below this listing, include duplicates of B & C for specific perusal or purchase.



      There is also a very helpful flow chart in one of the guides that helps you choose components, attributes or choices according to your situation. Unfortunately I don’t have the guides at hand to inform you of where to look (though the manual that is bundled with the software seems to ring a bell).

      perhaps somebody who has the guides to hand can provide the correct guide/page to look?


      Ladies Swimwear


        Component Confusion Resolved


        This was me thinking it was more complicated than it was. I just needed 2 components and to include the price description in the HTML description rather than getting Actinic to display it.

        I like easy solutions!


