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Advice on Splitting the order up

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    Advice on Splitting the order up

    Hi guys,

    just wondering if anyone could tell me if it is possible to have the attrbutes of a product on seperate pages. The reason why i want to do this is because i want to have the order be like a step by step process. So the customer would choose the size of the product then the next screen would allow them to choose the colour and so on. The reasoning behind this is that i want the website to be very easy to follow and some products have alot of attributes that just look so crammed on one screen,

    Thanks for your time....



      No it's not possible. Could you provide a link to a page where this process is considered difficult, we may be able to pass on some ways to improve it.


        As Lee suggests everything needs to be held against a specific product.

        It may be worth adding extra text or a GIF image between the various components eg:

        Step 1. Select a Colour

        <drop down with colours>

        Step 2. Select a Size

        <drop down with size>

        etc etc

        You could also add the image with the text vertically and an arrow between to the side of the components so the steps align with the drop downs to show the natural progress of the ordering process... currently done this on a v8.5 upgrade (not live yet) to help reduce drop outs in a complicated product with various options.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I suppose it would be viable to have the different attributes as different products as it is not likely in this instance that they will be ordering more than one product. Cheers for your help..


            different attributes as different products
            this is not what is being suggested, you need to keep all the attributes in one product, the suggestions you have been given are discussing how best to layout the attributes to allow a better flow for the shopper.


              Originally posted by pinbrook
              this is not what is being suggested, you need to keep all the attributes in one product, the suggestions you have been given are discussing how best to layout the attributes to allow a better flow for the shopper.
              I didn't say that was being suggested but as i states earlier I need the order to be broken up onto a number of different screens...




                The only other Actinic suggestion I can make is to take a look at the Advanced Users Guide and read this article 'Changing the Way Attributes are Laid Out' on page 25.

                If you still want them only on different screens then I will have to add this to the wish-list as it is not possible at the moment.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  I'm sure i read that Norman has some new tabbed addon, outside chance it could be used on something like this?

                  Come on Norm, open up your box of tricks and let's have a look.


                    Tabber (I think I'll call it that) is only intended for Product Descriptions. However it should be possible to do something like splitting each set of Choices onto separate tabs. You'd then also need to have either

                    1) The subsequent tabs either set to the most usual default values.

                    2) Have some JavaScript that disable the Cart button until each tab had been visited and the selection made

                    3) Put the Cart button on the last tab.

                    There's quite a lot of work involved in doing this so it'll probably require paid for customisation.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Tabber demo now on All that's needed to do this is to put the following into your Full Description.
                      {AUTHOR}Charles John Huffam Dickens....
                      {SUMMARY}Great Expectations is the story....
                      {OTHER NOVELS}The Pickwick Papers (1836–1837)....
                      Where you can have any number of tabs by putting their title between { and } and the text after.
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        That's mint Norman, get that marketed properly!

                        I can see that putting paid to the extended info tab.

                        With products that have lots of info, we could have:

                        Main description
                        Extended Info
                        Additional Images (we can embed these here if required)
                        Instruction manuals/downloads etc.

                        Top work Norman, we got a price on this yet or you still working on it?

                        I vote for TABOTHER as her name.


                          that does indeed look the business
                          dare i ask if you can include pictures in the tabs

                          any clues on price norman?

                          another top bit of coding if you ask me

                          Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                          Current project:
                          Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                            We can already do that Gareth with the embed facility, so should be very easy.


                              Include pictures in the tabs?
                              Sure. It's just the usual Full Description so anything within !!< and >!! will work. I've amended the demo ( ) and added a picture to the AUTHORS tab. I guess this is ready for shipping. Details are now on
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

