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Windows Crashed Actinic Still Working?

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    Windows Crashed Actinic Still Working?

    My OS crashed and I will have to reinstall windows on my primary drive C
    Actinic is on seperate drive. If I renstall windows will Actinic still be intact?
    If not what form of backup and reinstall must I do. Thanks for any help.

    A snapshot of your site takes everything you need to be sure of being able to set it up again very quickly. If you are not already doing regular snapshots, then start immediately, it will only end in tears otherwise. Search the forum for "snapshot advice".

    In your situation i would expect things to work fine, however i would take a copy of the site1 folder before you do anything.


      In theory if its on a separate drive it will be unaffected.

      If you have no OS there is nothing you can do with actinic to back it up until you've re-installed the OS.

      Once the C drive is ready copy your entire actinic folder somewhere safe.

      Then re-install actinic (as you won't have any registry entries on C drive). Then import your latest snapshot and/or copy over the relevant Site folder from your copy you took earlier..

