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General opinion on number of products per page

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    General opinion on number of products per page

    Hi all,

    I was just wondering if anyone had feedback on the number of products they display per page, or if they split the products up into 'next / previous' page layouts.

    I was always of the opinion that it was a bad idea to have more than about 15 products per page without giving the option for an additional page, but yesterday I was surfing the web with a woman who said that she would rather have all the products on one page. She was not a client, but just gave a general opinion.

    Has anyone who has done a lot of stores (and maybe have been given instruction to split pages by their clients), our owns their own store got any feedback on this?


    My thoughts.

    It depends on how you display your products. If you are using one product per page and 'cut-down' duplicates in parent sections then you can format them in two columns and pack more on a page. You can them have about 16 to 20 on a page.

    Many people will not scroll further down past the fold if they don't see something they like above the fold.

    My personal opinion is that if you have more than about 20 products in a section then split the section into two.

    Others may think different...


      How long is a piece of string? There is not going to be a definitive answer - as you point out the feedback was her own preference which may be totally against what others expect or prefer to see.

      Going more than 2 page folds (3 full page views) is considered the maximum most will endure - but again if a specialist site they may scroll for 100 page views to find what they are after.

      I would tackle it from the other direction. Rather than asking people to scroll or using too many sub-sections ensure the users can actually find the product with the minimum of fuss via the search, navigation etc ... if they can get straight to what they are after it does not matter if it part of a 300 product page.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        selling nuts and bolts, then 100+ per page - after all, they are just pennies each

        selling something costing £1000's then "sell it not just flog it" - in this case, expand on the product and then ts only one product per page

        I generally think that the more the item costs, the more space you have to devote to it.

        like jont says "how longs the bit of string"

