I need to edit my contact form because my Server security will not allow it at the moment.
Please tell me where I will find the appropriate script to edit.
I need to insert:
INFO FROM MY SERVER PEOPLE: If you want to use form to mail data, we recommend that you use the above method (form to mail script). . However, if you already have another method, we need you to change some of the PHP or Perl code in order for the script to function.
If you are currently using a third party or custom Form-to-Mail script, you need to add a paramater containing '-f send_from_this@address.com' with the same address as in your 'From:' header (this must be a valid Freeola-hosted address). An example is provided below:
mail('send_to_this@address.com', 'subject', 'body', 'From: send_from_this@address.com', '-f send_from_this@address.com');
If you use Perl scripting, please make sure the following is added to the end of '/usr/sbin/sendmail' command.
-f send_from_this@address.com
Some perl scripts may not compile unless the @ symbol in the e-mail address is escaped. An example is provided below:
-f send_from_this\@address.com
update: I have just learned that this is the correct script I need:
$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f sales@mysite.co.uk';
$youmail = "sales\@mysite.co.uk";
open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $youmail") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n";
print MAIL ("Reply-To: $replyto\n");
print MAIL ("To: $youmail\n");
print MAIL ("From: sales\@mysite.co.uk\n");
print MAIL ("Subject: $subject\n\n");
But where do I put it?
Please tell me where I will find the appropriate script to edit.
I need to insert:
INFO FROM MY SERVER PEOPLE: If you want to use form to mail data, we recommend that you use the above method (form to mail script). . However, if you already have another method, we need you to change some of the PHP or Perl code in order for the script to function.
If you are currently using a third party or custom Form-to-Mail script, you need to add a paramater containing '-f send_from_this@address.com' with the same address as in your 'From:' header (this must be a valid Freeola-hosted address). An example is provided below:
mail('send_to_this@address.com', 'subject', 'body', 'From: send_from_this@address.com', '-f send_from_this@address.com');
If you use Perl scripting, please make sure the following is added to the end of '/usr/sbin/sendmail' command.
-f send_from_this@address.com
Some perl scripts may not compile unless the @ symbol in the e-mail address is escaped. An example is provided below:
-f send_from_this\@address.com
update: I have just learned that this is the correct script I need:
$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f sales@mysite.co.uk';
$youmail = "sales\@mysite.co.uk";
open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $youmail") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n";
print MAIL ("Reply-To: $replyto\n");
print MAIL ("To: $youmail\n");
print MAIL ("From: sales\@mysite.co.uk\n");
print MAIL ("Subject: $subject\n\n");
But where do I put it?