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Can Not Connect To FTP

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    Can Not Connect To FTP

    Hi there, (as before I am new to Actinic), currently I am in the Advanced Network setup screen trying to connect to the store. I have entered the correct FTP details and it states that it can not connect due to a username and password not being correct. However they are 100% correct, as I have browsed the FTP using the same username & password - is there some special setting?

    Is the error message from a network test or from an actual upload?
    Are you ftp'ing into the same entry server path as when you do when you ftp with an ftp client?
    Do you have any proxy settings configured for ftp in Actinic?


      Hi Paul

      Are you still having the problem with connecting to the FTP via Actinic. If that is the case and if you are able to connect using FTP software or a browser, then it could probably be a firewall(that is if you have one). Please check if it might be blocking Actinic from communicating with the server.

      Let us know how your getting along

      Kind Regards
      Kiran Chandran
      Technical Support - SellerDeck

      Further help can also be found at

