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Mailto link generator

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    Mailto link generator

    hi i just foudn this little gem

    helps generate code for any mailto links you need including

    bcc cc body etc

    have fun now to implement the var to eliminate the bots
    Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
    Current project:
    Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend

    I'm afraid that it generates a plain text mailto: type link that will easily be picked up by spambots.

    Also the generator above produces broken code if you have any & characters in your parameters.

    It would be a good idea to hide your e-mail address on your web pages. Either use a contact us form or use JavaScript to obfuscate the e-mail address. I.e. Instead of:-

    <a href="">Email us</a>

    use instead:-

    <script language=JavaScript>
    document.write('<a hr' + 'ef="mai'
    + 'lto:'
    + 'myname@'
    + 'mydomain'
    + '.com">Email us</a>');
    // -->
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      thanks norman i did say i needed to tweak it to include protection ill try your way now
      ive been trying to implment the AUG version

      ive been working on this all day if you read my other posts i can include the spambots protection and fill in the subject line or the body but some how i cant merge the two
      Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
      Current project:
      Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


        Originally posted by NormanRouxel
        <script language=JavaScript>
        document.write('<a href="mai'
        + 'lto:'
        + 'myname@'
        + 'mydomain'
        + '.com">Email us</a>');
        // -->
        I tried this in a normal html page generated in Dreamweaver & Works fine...

        However the identical code in the contact us page in Actinic doesn't work - I added a small table below the </form> tag to contain the 'alternative' contact methods and added the above code - all it gave was a '404 error Page not Found' !!!

        Investigating, I discovered that Actinic was adding the absolute web address to the beginning of the compiled string...

        Digging further, I discovered that it worked fine if the word/command 'mailto' was not split...

        Last edited by Donald Gray; 06-May-2007, 04:50 PM. Reason: spullig mistook
        Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
        So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!


          Actinic is probably seeing the href="... bit

          So changing to

          document.write('<a hr' + 'ef="mai'

          would probably fix things generally.

          If you've time to check this please let me know and I'll amend the original post.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I did mess with it an got it working, however I opted for a minor vaiation of the AUG one:

            <img src="envelope11x11.gif" />
            <script type=text/javascript>
            var _u = "sales";
            var _d = " enquiry...&body=";
            var _l = _u + "@" + _d;
            var _m = "<img src='envelope11x11.gif'/>";
            document.write("<a href='mailto:"+_l+"'> Email us.</a>");

            The 'envelope11x11.gif is a small envelope graphic - you can 'borrow' it from our Yandles Contact Us page...
            Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
            So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!


              Why not do it like this
              <script type=text/javascript>
              var _u = "sales";
              var _d = " enquiry...&body=";
              var _l = _u + "@" + _d;
              var _m = "<img src='envelope11x11.gif'/>";
              document.write("<a href='mailto:"+_l+"'>");
              <img border=0 src="envelope11x11.gif" />Email us...</a>
              So that the last line is plain HTML and is easier to alter without javaScript tinkering.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                Why not do it like this
                <script type=text/javascript>
                var _u = "sales";
                var _d = " enquiry...&body=";
                var _l = _u + "@" + _d;
                var _m = "<img src='envelope11x11.gif'/>";
                document.write("<a href='mailto:"+_l+"'>");
                <img border=0 src="envelope11x11.gif" />Email us...</a>
                So that the last line is plain HTML and is easier to alter without javaScript tinkering.
                Thanks Norman

                'cos mine now works... I've moved on to tinkering with something else (See what else I can break! )
                Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
                So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!


                  Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                  Actinic is probably seeing the href="... bit

                  So changing to

                  document.write('<a hr' + 'ef="mai'

                  would probably fix things generally.

                  If you've time to check this please let me know and I'll amend the original post.

                  ok...this is an old thread, I know..but I was linked directly to the original code post only from THIS THREAD and had the same problem implementing it.
                  It DOES need the adjustment made above...if there's any chance of editting the original post then anyone else being directed from the thread I came from will get working code straight away



                    Hi, Tracy

                    I followed your THIS THREAD link which took me back to post #2 in this thread! Anyway, I've gone and updated #2 as required.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                      Hi, Tracy

                      I followed your THIS THREAD link which took me back to post #2 in this thread! Anyway, I've gone and updated #2 as required.
                      that's what I meant..but as the link in that thread only showed post #2, it meant that it directed to code that didn't completely work as it was, IYSWIM

                      It didn't display the whole thread which would have shown that an edit was needed. Hence my post

                      Thanks, Norman

