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Product Design - I'm Going Crazy - A How To

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    Product Design - I'm Going Crazy - A How To

    I have a 3 piece garment, 3 separate prices, and 1 price for the complete unit. All have individual independent size selections AND 2 Color choices.
    How do I create in the content tree this scenario in one product box. Please explain in simple terms as I have tried every conceivable way. Thanks for any help.

    You cant do it using standard features. You need an add-on or some custom work.


      Add On?

      What do you mean by an add on. Is this third party software?


        It some additional functionality somebody makes to tag onto your existing system.


          I think this can be done.

          Make a zero priced product.

          Then add a non-optional, zero priced Component called Selection.

          Now for this Component add an Attribute called Jacket Size.
          Give it Choices Not Required, S, M, L.

          Make another Attribute, Waistcoat Size.
          Give it Choices Not Required, S, M, L.

          Make another Attribute, Trouser Size.
          Give it Choices Not Required, S, M, L.

          Now go to the Component, click the Permutation tab and choose Fill List.
          Set the price for each combination as required (there will be a LOT of entries).

          For the triple Not Required entry uncheck Valid.

          Test this and see if it works.

          Now lets add in the Colours.
          Add a non-optional, zero priced Component called Colour.
          Now for this Component add an Attribute called Jacket.
          Give it Choices Black, Navy.
          Add an Attribute called Waistcoat.
          Give it Choices Black, Navy.
          Add an Attribute called Trouser.
          Give it Choices Black, Navy.

          The only disadvantage with this is that the Colour for the unwanted items will show in the Cart. You could always add a note telling the customer to disregard this. E.g. Call the Attribute Jacket (if required).

          Alternatively do without the Colour Component and add the Colours into the Size list. E.g.

          Jacket Sizes
          Not Required
          Small / Black
          Small / Navy
          Medium / Black
          Medium / Navy

          Now you'll have a HUGE permutation list to fill in.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            First Part Did Not Work

            Hello Norman
            The first part did not work. No product or prices appeared. Unless I missed something and I doubled checked.

            Make a zero priced product.

            Then add a non-optional, zero priced Component called Selection.

            Now for this Component add an Attribute called Jacket Size.
            Give it Choices Not Required, S, M, L.

            Make another Attribute, Waistcoat Size.
            Give it Choices Not Required, S, M, L.

            Make another Attribute, Trouser Size.
            Give it Choices Not Required, S, M, L.

            Now go to the Component, click the Permutation tab and choose Fill List.
            Set the price for each combination as required (there will be a LOT of entries).

            For the triple Not Required entry uncheck Valid.

            Test this and see if it works.


              3 separate products, all within a discount group is the only way i can see this being done. All 3 in their own section with a single add to cart button and discount fires if all 3 items selected. I hope i am proved wrong.

              You can of course list every conceivable combination in a drop down box, however i would not class that as a solution personally.


                What I suggested above works here and allows each item to be bought individually or combined for a reduced price. I've no idea why it doesn't for you.

                You get 3 drop-down boxes, one for each piece and can select exactly what you require. It's having the "Not Required" choice that does it.

                See the attached image for what it looked like here.
                Attached Files
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

