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Exporting Snapshot Site...Problems

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    Exporting Snapshot Site...Problems


    I just noticed that a small section of products were not online, I looked on Actinic and sure enough they were no were to be found. The section was gone off of my site and actinic program. I exported a snapshot of the current site and imported a site from a month prior and it was indeed there. I thought the only thigh I could do is redo the section..however when I uploaded the site I had just exported ten minutes prior, the section was there?!

    Is anyone else lacking data when they upload a snapshot?

    Thank You,

    Mark Babineau


    This problem is cropping up too many times now to be a user error or a one off. We obvioulsy have a pretty serious problem with actinic banishing some sections to the bermuda triangle for no apparent reason. This is too common a problem now to not be an actinic error.

    No doubt, there will be some large sites who have sections missing and they have not realised due to their shear size.

    Actinic need to look into this now, it's one thing coping with little problems along the way, but losing data is not acceptable under any circumstances.


      however when I uploaded the site I had just exported ten minutes prior, the section was there?!
      Hi Mark

      Just to clarify - are you saying that when you re-imported the snapshot file, which previously was missing the section, the section then re-appeared in the content tree?

      The general remedy for these kinds of issues is a regular 'Housekeeping | Compact Databases'. But as Lee says, there could be an issue so I would really appreciate it if you could get in touch with support (via or via phone if you have Actinic Cover), mentioning this thread, and let them have a copy of that snapshot. Our database people can take a look and see why the section might have disappeared.


        Thank you to all that have replied. I appreciate your concern to my issue.


        Mark Babineau

