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Adding a button to the outer layer

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    Adding a button to the outer layer


    I have made a forum button that matches the other buttons on the site, but now cant seem to add it to the site where i want it.

    I would like to add it to this site:

    under the contact us section

    i know i probably need to add this code:

    <a href= "<forum web address>/ <default forum page>" ><button or image code</a>

    but am not sure where

    many thanks

    What happens if you click on the contact us button in design view?

    I should also provide the code that you are going to insert so we can make sure it is correct otherwise that will be the next question.


      I get this if i click the contact us button:

      <a href="<actinic:variable name="SendMailPageLink" />" target="_self" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_contact','button_contact_highlight.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><img src="button_contact.gif" alt="<actinic:variable name="SendMailText" />" border="0" name="nav_contact" /></a>

      Yeh if you could provide the code it would be good...deadline is tomorrow.

      Sorry i know i have been a pain round here lately with all the questions but its much appreciated.


        Create your images, like they are in that link, replace them into that code and then put the finished code into here so we can check it, you want almost identical code to that apart from the image names which you should create and include.


          Right ok...this is the code i have now...

          <a href="<actinic:variable name="SendMailPageLink" />" target="_self" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_contact','forums button.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><img src="forums button.gif" alt="<actinic:variable name="SendMailText" />" border="0" name="nav_contact" /></a>

          and it has the forum button image in there.

          Now how do i get it to link to the forum page?

          the forum is an extension of the URL with /bb so its:

          Do i need to create a new variable or is there a way to do it by not doing that?


            1. Replace the variable with a URL.
            2. Don't have spaces in Image names.
            3. Change the alt text to something that you want it to be.
            4. Rename the img tag.

            Then paste back into here and you should be somewhere very close.


              Ok so now i have this...

              <a href="<" />" target="_self" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_forums','forums button.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><img src="forums button.gif" alt="<Forums" />" border="0" name="nav_forums" /></a>

              and as you can see from the site, its got code all around it, and a big green box.

              Also, i have put the domain in there, and it wont connect.

              I cant believe its this hard to add a button!


                Try removing the < anmd > that you've got in the href. E.g.
                <a href=""
                 onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_forums','forums button.gif')"
                 <img src="forums button.gif" alt="<Forums" />" border="0" name="nav_forums" />
                And get rid of that spacce in the image name.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Originally posted by Shaady
                  Ok so now i have this...

                  <a href="<" />" target="_self" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_forums','forums button.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><img src="forums button.gif" alt="<Forums" />" border="0" name="nav_forums" /></a>

                  and as you can see from the site, its got code all around it, and a big green box.

                  Also, i have put the domain in there, and it wont connect.

                  I cant believe its this hard to add a button!
                  1. The '<' and '/>' are used around an actinic variable, as you are putting a direct address, they are not required.
                  2. Include a trailing slash on the url, ie finish it with a '/'
                  3. Image name still has a space in it.
                  4. You are using the same image for both the normal state and the rollover, it won't look the same as the current buttons if you do this, you need 2 images, one for normal state and one for rollover state.


                    thanks for the replies...this is what i have now...

                    <a href=""
                    <img src="forumsbutton.gif" alt="<Forums" />

                    and now there is a big blue box around the button, and it still wont connect to the URL!


                      Originally posted by Shaady
                      thanks for the replies...this is what i have now...

                      <a href=""
                      <img src="forumsbutton.gif" alt="<Forums" />

                      and now there is a big blue box around the button, and it still wont connect to the URL!
                      1. Your URL is missing the 'http://'
                      2. You are doing a rollover image but using the same image - waste of time and code.
                      3. The alt attribute for the buttom should be "Forums" and not "<Forums"

                      If you are not going to do a rollover as per your other buttons, then just add this instead:

                      <a href="" target="_self"><img src="forumsbutton.gif" alt="Forums" border="0" /></a>


                        Originally posted by leehack
                        1. Your URL is missing the 'http://'
                        2. You are doing a rollover image but using the same image - waste of time and code.
                        3. The alt attribute for the buttom should be "Forums" and not "<Forums"

                        If you are not going to do a rollover as per your other buttons, then just add this instead:

                        <a href="" target="_self"><img src="forumsbutton.gif" alt="Forums" border="0" /></a>
                        Thanks so much...that worked a treat!!

                        its works perfectly now.

                        thanks again for all your help


                          Cool, glad you got it sorted.

