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Snapshot Buglet - PHP Files

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    Snapshot Buglet - PHP Files

    When i add a php file to a site root folder it is not included in a snapshot. I presume a snapshot is told which file endings to grab rather than grab everything. If this is the case, can we have .php files added also or have this issue addressed.


    Hi, Lee

    Actinic won't upload everything in Site1. Only files actually involved in the Actinic design or content get uploaded. I had trouble with PHP includes (e.g. include_once 'dpimagesupport.php'. These files are used by Actinic when building the pages but aren't part of the site, so Actinic omits them from a Snapshot. This is probably a bug but is a relatively minor one. Indeed it's probably not worth fixing as these include statements could use a PHP variable as the filename and since this could be a computed string there's no way of knowing what its value is.

    My trick was to add the following to one of the related layouts

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    // src="dpimagesupport.php" // V1.24 Adds file to Snapshot

    whereby Actinic gets fooled by the src="....." and adds the file to the Snapshot. I've just made a Snapshot and can confirm that the file is there after doing that trick.

    You can also add these files via Design / Additional Files.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman, but my problem is with the exact same file and does not do that. I can upload a site and it works perfectly, if i then send a snapshot to a client with that workaround in the head section, it does not include it in the snapshot and the upload their end fails with an error message asking for this file.

      NOTE: this has to be on a newly licensed site to mimic the situation, as importing a snapshot over the top of another will make you think it has worked.

      I have just snapshotted a finished site, and then licensed 3 new sites to test and each time it fails on the import.

      A snapshot should include absolutely everything you put in the site folder, not just what it is using, that is a failing. If i want a direct copy of a site via a snapshot, then it should give me that, not select what it wants to include and what it doesn't.


        Originally posted by NormanRouxel
        This is probably a bug but is a relatively minor one. Indeed it's probably not worth fixing as these include statements could use a PHP variable as the filename and since this could be a computed string there's no way of knowing what its value is.
        I agree totally it is a minor bug, which is why i said 'buglet'. I just emailed the file and said put this in your site1 folder and it worked immediately. I attached the file to my email, from within my site folder for the site.

        I have read the above sentence a few times and it's over my head i'm afraid.
        In English, if i have a file in a site folder and i snapshot that site, i expect that file along with every other file in that site folder, to be included in the snapshot, no matter what Actinic thinks.

        If what you say is true, then things such as text files with network settings, and license keys, even hierarchical exports will not include in the snapshot as they are added in by you and not used. We can't preach to put everything in your site folder and then add, oh you need to add it to additional files also to get it included.

        Keep it simple, put everything site related in your site folder and when you snapshot, it gets copied.


          A snapshot should include absolutely everything you put in the site folder, not just what it is using
          It certainly doesn't do that. You'd end up with all the Demo site files, the generated files (.cat, .fil, .log, etc).

          I just looked at a simple site - 297 files in the Site folder - 112 in the Snapshot's .\catalog_site\ folder. Only the files needed for the site are there.

          Indeed this could be a useful way of decrufting the Site folder. Make a Snapshot, open Snapshot in Winzip7, sort on Path, group on .\catalog_site\. Delete all files from the Site folder that aren't in that list.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I probably worded that badly:

            A snapshot should include absolutely everything you put in the site folder.

            should have said:

            A snapshot should include absolutely everything I put in the site folder, plus what actinic needs, to do it's thing.

