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Shopping cart empty in v8

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    Shopping cart empty in v8


    Apologies if this is covered in an earlier thread - I've searched the v8 forum but without finding the exact same problem.

    I'm in the final testing of our new v8 site, our current v7 is still live.


    In v8, running in TESTMODE, all brochure pages, products etc are under the "/acatalog/test" directory so that's OK.

    However, after I have added any item to the cart and go to "view basket" or "checkout", I get a message that nothing is in my basket and I am bounced back to the product page.

    Could this be because the v8 test site order pages are transfering to the current "live" checkout/order pages on the v7 site?

    Any pointers greatly appreciated! It's a quiet day today so had hoped to switch over!


    its because you are jumping from www to non www URLs

    this is covered in other threads.

    Try another test purchase and watch the URL in the address bar, you will see that during checkout routine you loose the www


      It worked for me via the checkout link on the content pages. I did see though that the SSL certificate appears to be on your domain name without the www. prefix and this could be what's causing the problem.

      Can you check your SSL settings in actinic and see if you're using https://www. or is it without the www. bit.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks for the tip. I checked the network settings and saw that the SSL URLS had *lost* the 'www' prefix. The standard settings are OK.

        Made the changes and refreshed the site.

        When I repeated the test, I was transfered to the "checkout" page. However, I received a message that the SSL certificate is invalid. I see that the certificate is indeed issued to "littleherbal", without the "www" prefix.

        I proceeded with my order nevertheless and was successfully transfered to the Protx site for card payment. All of this is normal day-to-day functionality, as expected.

        I know from experience that our v7 site works fine - including the SSL cert. It's been perfect since we went live in July last year and we've taken thousands of orders since then.


        -- If I keep the SSL URLs with the "www" prefix then I get an "invalid cert" message.....

        -- If I change the SSL URLs to be without the "www" prefix (as on the cert) then I cannot test my checkout pages.....


        I don't want to "go live" without testing v8 - at least to accept one order! - but am at a loss as how to proceed with testing in this case. Any more suggestions welcomed!


          In an ideal world you should get your SSL reissued so it is valid at www

          your site lives at www so should your SSL


            As luck would have it, our current SSL cert expires towards the end of June. I shall request a renewal but amend the name to include the "www" prefix as you suggest.

            Hopefully will get this applied within the next week and will test further then.

