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Uploading Digital Downloads Fails

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    Uploading Digital Downloads Fails


    We have just moved our site to a new hosting company.

    However at the moment we are unable to upload - soon as the process gets to the digital downloads a few go up or none at all and we get an error message saying the FTP transfer failed or quit. We've spoken to Pinbrook - there's plenty of space ALL the permsissions are set up properly - the network settings test fine etc.

    Today we have been told to extend the timeouts on the network settings etc - but when we try that about 10 DD files go up and then the process window just vanishes and we're back in the main Actinic window???

    These are audio files - and there are prob about 300 to go up.
    Previously we were with Fasthosts and the site uploaded fine no problem.

    Couple of thoughts I have:

    Even though it all worked fine before - the Actinic folder is on the same machine as the DDs but the download files are in a separate folder away from the main Actinic/Site1 folder. Does this matter? It never used to.

    Size of the DDs varies from 2megs for a 30s track to approx 70Mbs for the zipped folders.

    One other strange thing that was going on last night was if we FTP'd into the site with filezilla or just a browser and went to the DD folder within Acatalog we couldn't delete a file in DD - if you tried, it just disconnected you from the server. Sometimes you could delete one but mostly not. The only way you could do it was to go in via the Control Panel and do it.

    As far as DD are concerned - if you refresh the site and don't tick the box to leave any unchanged digital downloads - Actinic seems to start loading and loads up digital download files into the DD folder BUT any previous ones are left i.e it doesn't purge the old ones off - is that right? I would have thought the point of a refresh was to have a clean slate. It's no major issue but you need to go and delete the duplicates otherwise we'll end up with using unnecessary space etc.

    But that's a minor issue compared to not being able to upload at the moment.

    Any ideas?


    YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.

    Another thought on this...

    Does it matter about length of filename for a digital download product

    Some of mine are very long e.g.


    I'm just wondering as when Actinic uploads the file to the DD folder it renames it with numbers at the front - could there be a limit?!

    You can see I'm desperate!

    YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.


      Solution here

