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8.5.1 upgrade order woes when switch to live mode!

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    8.5.1 upgrade order woes when switch to live mode!

    We downloaded 8.5.1 and did a clean install.
    We imported our V7 snapshot, used the default V8 layout.
    Assigned "Smart" and "Meadow" and "Basic Coloured Buttons"
    tweaked a few settings for address info and layout,
    uploaded to Test.
    played with v8 site in Test, including orders.
    Happy with the test results, we:

    suspended orders in V7
    checked that the existing ones had been paid
    downloaded those orders with V7

    In V8, imported the orders from v7
    did a couple of trial orders on the live v8 site....

    Went into order processing in V8.... and a mess!
    Our last handful of live orders from v7 were getting mixed up with our new live orders from v8....
    ie order numbers missing,
    line items from the missing orders downloaded in V7 mixed into live orders from v8.
    The orders with the mixed line items showing 'Excessive Payment received'
    When you open an order, the permutations for one order are under the general product name of another item... when you sort by product description, they line up properly.
    When the line items are displayed in a jumble, and you click on the permutation line, it selects the correct description line..... very weird.

    We cannot live with this and have switched back to V7 live instead.

    Here is how things were mixed up:
    Our last V7 orders had numbers ending in 73- 80
    Our first v8 order (ending in 81) was a duff (ie went to PSP and cancelled rather than pay)
    Our live v8 orders were 81-85.

    V7 orders 74 & 78 were duffs.
    V7 orders whose order numbers did not show in V8 were 75-80

    v8 order 81 had v7 order 76 mixed in with it.
    v8 order 82 had v7 order 77 mixed in with it.
    v8 order 83 had v7 order 79 mixed in with it
    v8 order 84 had v7 order 80 mixed in with it
    v8 order 85 had v7 order 75 mixed in with it.

    What could be going on here?!

    Should we have completed the processing for all the V7 orders in V7 before importing them to v8?
    Eileen Eby

    I've just spoken to Actinic Support, who suggest I :

    1) assign the V8 CGI scripts a new number
    2) do a Purge and Refresh as opposed to just a Refresh when uploading the live v8 site

    It will be a few days before we get another window to attempt the go-live.
    I will post the results at that time.
    Eileen Eby

