Hi, I'm trying to change the default check box in checkout page 00 to be Radio buttons. Using the code below it works fine Except that the customer can proceed without checking any buttons and the order progresses as though they had checked "NO".
What I would like if poss is to make neither button pre-checked (as they are now) and if the customer does not check any an error message will tell them to choose YES or NO.
<actinic:block if="IsLocationInvoiceShipSeparately" >
<td colspan="2"><Actinic:Variable Name="InvoicePrompt016"/></td>
<td><input type="radio" <Actinic:Variable Name="InvoiceSeparateCheckStatus"/> name="SEPARATESHIP" value="YES" />YES
<input type="Radio" <Actinic:Variable Name="InvoiceSeparateCheckStatus"/> name="SEPARATESHIP" value="" />NO</td>
Many Thanks,
What I would like if poss is to make neither button pre-checked (as they are now) and if the customer does not check any an error message will tell them to choose YES or NO.
<actinic:block if="IsLocationInvoiceShipSeparately" >
<td colspan="2"><Actinic:Variable Name="InvoicePrompt016"/></td>
<td><input type="radio" <Actinic:Variable Name="InvoiceSeparateCheckStatus"/> name="SEPARATESHIP" value="YES" />YES
<input type="Radio" <Actinic:Variable Name="InvoiceSeparateCheckStatus"/> name="SEPARATESHIP" value="" />NO</td>
Many Thanks,