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Anyone recognize this ?

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    Anyone recognize this ?

    Error message on snapshot import. Sites running 8.5.1

    Exceptions - fatal errors
    [File SnapshotWizzard.cpp. Line1090] An attempt was made to access an unnamed file past its end.
    Richard Gosler
    Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
    Dorset, UK

    A search of the forum finds this, any help?


      Cheers, will give it a go.
      Richard Gosler
      Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
      Dorset, UK


        More jolly error messages on export (Laptop running Vista and business client 8.5.1)

        (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 176) - Archive error 13 - Extract selected files call failed
        Library error - Error creating file C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\\501\Site1\Act_OCCEClearTemplate.html ! has been caught.
        (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 176) - Archive error 13 - Extract selected files call failed
        Library error - Error creating file C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\SiteUpgrade\Backup v8.\Site1\CommonOCC\\501\Site1\Act_OCCEClearTemplate.html ! has been caught.

        Any of that look familiar ?
        Richard Gosler
        Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
        Dorset, UK



          What version snapshot were you trying to import when this happened?

          Can you try this and let me know if it helps....
          1) import the snapshot, when the import is complete and the upgrade starts, click cancel to stop the upgrade.

          2) close Actinic.

          3) open Actinic and the upgrade will start, let it complete.

          Once done export a snapshot just to make sure everything is fine.

          If this does not help I would suggest raising a support ticket. We will need the snapshot.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            This is my client trying to do a standard snapshot export.

            I'm not sure if vista is the problem but when trying to edit the protx occ script, it wouldn't allow the file to be saved. They had to rename the file and create a new file with the same contents.

            Oh, and another thing: we had to reinstall Actinic 8.5.1 and it stuck the site 1 folder in an actinic folder under documents, not in the Actinic folder under program files.
            Richard Gosler
            Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
            Dorset, UK


              Act_OCCEClearTemplate.html ! has been caught.

              throw away the key.


                LOL Gabe is on one. Gonna keep us smilling today Gabe?


                  Oh, and another thing: we had to reinstall Actinic 8.5.1 and it stuck the site 1 folder in an actinic folder under documents, not in the Actinic folder under program files.
                  This was a change made in 8.5.1 to get around the Vista problems with the UAC being turned on. It's an option during install - but by default it is turned on.

