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"New" v8 Site - opinions...

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    "New" v8 Site - opinions...

    After finally sorting my issues detailed over yonder, I've managed to get the v8 version of our site live n' running...

    Opinions & suggestions welcome... see (note, store theme had to fit with our existing frontend and forum themes at and - and I'm aware the forums link on the store is incorrect - will fix that tomorro)

    S'just a straight rebuild-from-scratch of our old v6 store using the new v8 templates etc... not had chance to go thru AUG to see what nifty tricks can be done... I know there are issues with layouts on our Kit Builders where non-optional attributes / components are leaving ridiculously excessive linebreaks, still gotta find a way round that.
    Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Hi Marci,

    You may not see this till Tuesday, had a look on the website . You will have to check in the component layout and remove all the unnecessary <br> tags.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Under New products, left handside Nav, you have an entry for "1. Register for an Account (not required)"

      Did you know you can exclude this from new products by going to the product dialog box, locate the option to exclude from bestsellers/new products


        When I click on 'more details' for Belkin 425 UPS for example I'm taken away from your site to the Belkin's site. I'm then free to click and select another online retailer who sells the product - of which your site is not one. You need to at least make that 'more info' open in a new window - although preferably have that extra info on your own site.


          Maybe I am just missing it, but I cannot see any reference to your address anywhere. It's not in "contact us" or "terms & conditions" as far as I can see.

          If this is the case, then it does not conform to the DSR regulations. Also I am not sure about charging a "processing fee" on returns. This sounds suspiciously like a "restocking fee", which again is illegal if being returned within 7 days.

          Personally I would never buy from any site where there is no phone number or address visible.



            I think the overall layout needs to be redesigned, it looks like a bric-a-brac stall at the local market to me. Left navigation is awful - small, difficult to read, no interaction at all. Slim down the centre content and help people use the left nav. Colour scheme is ok, but it's a high tech site looking very low-tech.

            Font size is very small and cannot be resized, it's the kind of site where i hit the home page and leave within 10 seconds.

            Line breaks between the components need the <br>'s removing to condense and give the ability to actually see all on one screen without scrolling.

            Major rethink needed IMO.


              You will have to check in the component layout and remove all the unnecessary <br> tags.
              In progress...

              Also I am not sure about charging a "processing fee" on returns. This sounds suspiciously like a "restocking fee", which again is illegal if being returned within 7 days.
              2.1 These "Terms and Conditions" do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
              The 7day return under Distance Selling is part of statutory rights as a consumer... thus restocking fee is not charged if returned within 7 days.

              This is reinforced later on...

              8.2 If you are a consumer you have the right, in addition to your other rights, to cancel your contract with Over-Clock UK and receive a refund. You must contact us and inform us in writing of your desire to cancel your contract within 7 working days of receipt of the relevant product(s). You must return the goods to us at your cost and we advise you to ensure the goods are adequately insured during any return journey.
              Did you know you can exclude this from new products by going to the product dialog box, locate the option to exclude from bestsellers/new products
              Had completely forgotten about that - ta fer the reminder!

              Maybe I am just missing it, but I cannot see any reference to your address anywhere. It's not in "contact us" or "terms & conditions" as far as I can see.
              Overlooked that in the transplant... corrected. "Contact Us" link in the old v6 template linked previously to

              Major rethink needed IMO.
              Agree entirely, but to do so also involves a rethink of the VirtuaNews-based front end (at and an installation of Invisionboard (at the store skin as it is was a stop-gap solution to get us quickly over from v6 to v8 whilst retaining familiarity that our customers have gotten used to over the past 3 years (as long as our store has looked as it does now basically). I'm trying to work into my schedule enough time for a complete overhaul...
              Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


                You may not see this till Tuesday, had a look on the website . You will have to check in the component layout and remove all the unnecessary <br> tags.
                Got round this by changing the BlockIf...

                Basic summary of the issue - on our Waterkits, we use components that are NOT optional, and have a zero value. This basically prints the kit contents on the packing list so that folks here can pick the correct components for that kit - a Bill-of-Materials effectively... it was these that were producing the spurious linebreaks. Deleting all the <br />'s in the templates then had the knock on affect of messing up the layout on products that used components as valued options. In the component layout code, changed the BlockIf that surrounds:

                <Actinic:Variable Name="ComponentDisplayLabel"/><br />
                <Actinic:PRICE_EXPLANATION PROD_REF="<actinic:variable name="ProductReference" />" COMPONENTID=<actinic:variable name="ComponentIndex" />><actinic:variable name="ComponentRetailCustomerMessage" /></Actinic:PRICE_EXPLANATION>
                So <actinic:variable name="ComponentDisplayLabel" /> != "" (ie: only display the above quoted code if the "HTML for Name" field of the component is NOT empty) and that stripped out all the excess linebreaks.

                Have now set the lefthand sidebar to a fixed width also so it doesn't shrink the menu bar on low resolution displays or just folks using a non-maximised browser window. IE: Now the "bulk" area scales down as you narrow the browser viewport... the limitation on this currently is the use of tables and the products' image size... am working on ditching the use of tables here and shifting to CSS using Float for the images so text wraps around the image where necessary, but am still trying to get a clean enough look for this that I'm happy with.

                With regards Menu font size etc... have tried a few larger sizes and they immediately start to look messy imo... interactivity isn't a major thing for me, our customer base have always stated that they like the simplicity of the site - ie: speedy loading times, no overuse of "effects" etc...

                In terms of the graphical design... I've been stuck in a rut for years with this site... I always struggle to come up with anything decent / unique for it... suggestions on a postcard...

                Personally, I'd love to ditch tables everywhere for good and have it all done via CSS, but this is expecting too much based on the browser-wars and crosscompatability (the number of workarounds I had to use for one of my sites to get it to layout the same in both Firefox and IE was ridiculous and something I'm not going to deal with again until the browsers unify their CSS support, and the order in which they render stuff - Firefox rendering tables on the fly as it fills them rather than drawing the table to dimensions THEN filling them as IE does was a nightmare when I tried to mix CSS and Tables on our old v6 store templates, couldn't retain section width consistency on 1st page load, but hitting refresh always then rendered it perfectly from cache.)

                When I click on 'more details' for Belkin 425 UPS for example I'm taken away from your site to the Belkin's site. I'm then free to click and select another online retailer who sells the product - of which your site is not one. You need to at least make that 'more info' open in a new window - although preferably have that extra info on your own site.
                This was always a problem in earlier versions of Actinic due to how it generated the final code... couldn't add target in the templates. However, Actinic v8 allows this so I've done it... Product Layout code...

                <a href="<actinic:variable name="ProductLinkInfo" />" >
                               <actinic:variable formatting="font(Color|3366ff),style|actregular" name="ProductLinkText" />
                Is now:
                <a href="<actinic:variable name="ProductLinkInfo" />" title="<actinic:variable name="ProductLinkInfo" />" onclick=",'popupwindow','width=800,height=600,menubar,scrollbars,resizable');return false;">
                               <actinic:variable formatting="font(Color|3366ff),style|actregular" name="ProductLinkText" />
                            </a><br /><span style="font-size: 10px;">(Opens in New Window)</span>
                So now all "Simple Link" URL's are opened in a New Window by default. onclick="" used purely because target="" is now deprecated iirc...
                Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>



                  Found an annoyance... Editing Appearance of "SectionName" variable within "Section Name Only Section Link" template...

                  Presents you with the "Edit Appearance" window which has a pile of dropdown selectors... and in there Font Colour is set to 000000. I want to delete this value and leave it blank but there is no way to doso (this is currently preventing a.hover styles from working)... the dropdown only allows to select a color, there is no option to select "none", and no way to manually enter the content box and remove what is already there so that it fallsback on whatever the stylesheet stipulates. (If you head to our site and mouseover, the hover style only effects the text-decoration - the underline - not the text itself because of this color being "hard-defined" within "Edit Appearance"). It's a MAJOR pita. Any workaround??
                  Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


                    Presents you with the "Edit Appearance" window which has a pile of dropdown selectors... and in there Font Colour is set to 000000. I want to delete this value and leave it blank but there is no way to doso
                    Yes - this is an annoyance. You can work around it by:
                    1. Highlight the SectionName variable in the code.
                    2. Click the Basic/Advanced Toggle Button (top left on the layout code toolbar).
                    3. Remove the formatting="..." code from within the 'actinic:variable' tag.
                    This will then reset the formatting of the variable.


                      Cheers Chris - yer a star! (EDIT: could do with going in Knowledgebase or AUG possibly??)
                      Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

