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error on checkout

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    error on checkout

    just placed a test document as a digital download. It downloaded fine, zero shipping .. just the job. I then clicked on the continue at the bottom of the 'print this page as your receipt' and got this .. any ideas?

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: ../acatalog/81Z154Z146Z224A1179818420B1788.session can not be locked during Session init!
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Error: ../acatalog/81Z154Z146Z224A1179818420B1788.session can not be locked during Session init!
    this is getting to be a very common error, Actinc should probably look at it and output a more meaning ful error message.

    Have you searched the forum using "session Init" as search phrase?


      Welcome to the club, Actinic have been looking into this error which appeared on my test site since last Thursday!


        not a club I want to be in ...

        so, in some ways it's nice to know I'm not alone .. in others it's not so much fun in this club .. the beer is warm, the music sucks and the bouncer is looking at me in .. a .. very .. odd way.



          Originally posted by davidfarndon
          and the bouncer is looking at me in .. a .. very .. odd way.
          I didn't know George was on the door

          Sorry, couldn't resist!
          Hope Actinic fix this soon...I have visions of having it happen to me when I put my site live!!


            Have you contacted Actinic Support, just wondering what they have said because I am still waiting and beginning to think they are scratching thier heads over it in my case!!


              Hi David

              What happens when you do a test of your Network Settings, does it go through sucessfully? Would it be possible for you to put up your settings(minus the username and password) , or send the settings to kcsupport/at/actinic/dot/co/dot/uk . Please do this it will help in finding a resolution for this problem.

              Kind Regards
              Kiran Chandran
              Technical Support - SellerDeck

              Further help can also be found at


                customer reports the same problem happened to him


                Sorry I didn't reply immediately to this, as I thought it was something daft Id done - I did some more testing and didn't have it happen again.

                Then I tried to break the site by doing odd backwards and forwards through the browser history and selecting links at random then trying to go to checkout .. and then it happened again.

                Yesterday I had a call from a customer who had had the same error when trying to purchase a product (and I have lost the business I suspect .. so that puts a whole different complection on things)

                I'll email you the settings .. please find out what is causing it!!



                  just to say I compacted the databases, refreshed the site .. did a test where payment was 'cheque with the invoice' and that worked ok.

                  I immediately did a second test where I once again got this dammed error on trying to get to checkout ...

                  A General Script Error Occurred

                  Error: ../acatalog/89Z243Z128Z15A1180630957B6612.session can not be locked during Session init!
                  Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

                  I then closed everything down and started afresh .. THIS time I got as far as checkout ok (and the order was recorded as 'pending payment service provider' as I downloaded it a few moments later), selected paypal as the PSP, was transferred to paypal .. logged in and got :

                  'This session contains invalid data'

                  what on earth is happening here????



                    I have just emptied my cookies and temp internet files then returned to the site to do another test purchase. It went through fine, got to checkout ok, transferred to paypal fine and was able to pay.

                    when I clicked on the 'return to merchant' ( I got

                    A General Script Error Occurred

                    Error: ../acatalog/89Z241Z156Z50A1180791831B4580.session can not be locked during Session init!
                    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

                    AGAIN !!!


                      I vaguely remember seeing a post in the past few days that linked this error with Paypal, i can't remember any more than that. Maybe a forum search will throw up more info


                        something still not right here ..

                        Just did another successful test purchase .. paypal worked, return to merchant worked and I was presented with my actinic receipt page. But pressing 'done' once more resulted in :


                        giving me a session locked / session init error thingy still.


                          Originally posted by Kiran
                          Hi David

                          What happens when you do a test of your Network Settings, does it go through sucessfully? Would it be possible for you to put up your settings(minus the username and password) , or send the settings to kcsupport/at/actinic/dot/co/dot/uk . Please do this it will help in finding a resolution for this problem.

                          Kind Regards

                          Test results in everything passing fine .. Just sent .txt file with settings .. please have a look and let me know ASAP please! If you need anything else please email david[at]redhotmouse{dot}com




                              just an update on this ..

                              I made a fresh purchase from a different PC, the order took me from checkout to paypal, I was able to pay with paypal without problem, was returned to the receipt page and when clicking 'done' I get :

                              A General Script Error Occurred

                              Error: ../acatalog/86Z142Z155Z204A1180880564B21972.session can not be locked during Session init!
                              Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

                              Actinic generates the order received emails ok and notified me there was an order to download and downloaded it as 'payment pending' (although i had paid immediately .. but this might have been just a delay in the proceedings?)

                              I had refreshed the site once more from my main office PC prior to doing this too .. so this is clearly in need of the big rubber hammer .. cue .. Actinic Support ..!!?

