I've got a logo from my certificate provider. Before I jump in and start uselessly thrashing about in the templates, is there a widely-agreed 'good' way to get the logo appearing nicely on the checkout pages?
- Justin Hill(Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast) http://www.cka-net.com
Having recently run into a bug using Block If to remove items from the secure pages via the outerlayout may be easier to simply go through each of the checkout pages in turn and add the image as required... if you are confident using the Block If approach you can add it to the outer layout and set a condition not to display on product / brochure pages (leaving just the cart pages)
Thanks for that, Jon. If I knew what the block if thing was then I'd be qualified to tell that I don't know how to use it. I'd better do it the simple way.
- Justin Hill(Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast) http://www.cka-net.com
Take a look in just about any layout and you will see the green Block if ... /block conditions... double click to open.
These are used to test a condition and then if it is true continue with the code between eg:
block if
<img src="ssl_logo.jpg" />
that is a block if surrounding the code to insert an image called "ssl_logo.jpg"
The condition (found by double clicking the first green block if) could be set to eg:
SectionLevel == 0
if the Section Level does equal 0 (the homepage) the condition is true and the image is inserted ... if the section level is anything else (eg a product page) the condition is false and the image is not displayed.
You can use the "PageType" variable to test the page .. as I initially said I have had issues with the later stages of the checkout (PSP bounce) not liking the block if so use with care ... setting straight into the layout is just as acceptable