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Passing billing address to Protx

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    Passing billing address to Protx

    OK...V8.5.1 site is now LIVE

    Protx test order was the address details passed over from Actinic to NAME was entered as the first line..not the first line of my address..this, of course, brought back an "address numerics not matched" result.

    I have "full cardholder name" entered as the first line in checkout..followed by the usual "1st line of address" which I assume is usually the first line passed to Protx.. not in this case

    ALL of my Protx customers are going to find this happening to them and I doubt many (if any) will notice or care enough to edit it! Paypal bounce page displays a "Pay Paypal Now" button (or words to that effect) even though it automatically transfers to the paypal page.
    I've changed the wording on that page to read "please wait while you are transferred blah blah" rather than the "click here" text but I'd rather do away with the button altogether...
    I'm just not sure how

    Anyone know? I can't see that it is in the PSP bounce page layout so I assume its in the OCC template...(where I editted the text) but I don't want to remove something I shouldn't!!

    edited to attach my Act_OCCPaypalTemplate.
    If someone could point me to the correct bit to edit to remove the button, I'd be eternally greatful

    Uncomment this bit and specify your logo URL to have PayPal
    display your logo on the payment page. Note that the logo image must
    be 150x50 pixels and must be accessible securely. If not, leave this
    bit commented out.
    <input type="hidden" name="image_url" value="Your secure logo URL here!">
    <input type="image" src="" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
    To me this is the code....

    Uncomment this bit and specify your logo URL to have PayPal
    display your logo on the payment page. Note that the logo image must
    be 150x50 pixels and must be accessible securely. If not, leave this
    bit commented out.
    <input type="hidden" name="image_url" value="Your secure logo URL here!">


      ok..thanks Jo
      I had a feeling that was where I needed to edit but wasn't 100% sure.
      Now I guess I just need to hope that customers do get automatically re-directed... (and now I'm considering leaving the button and just offering the customer the choice of clicking it if it doesn't automatically forward lol)

