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OK, I really should fix this but not sure how

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    OK, I really should fix this but not sure how

    When I upload, I'm getting the coding errors attached.

    Clicking on them takes me to my Act_Header layout where I have the following which it appears to refer to:

    <!-- The following two lines can be uncommented and moved to include the section image -->
    <!-- and description in the section page headers -->
    <!-- <!-- SectionHeadImage HTML begin -->
    <IMG SRC="<actinic:variable name="SectionImageFileName"/>"
    ALT="<actinic:variable name="SectionName" encoding="strip" />"
    height='<Actinic:Variable Name="SectionImageHeight"/>'
    width='<Actinic:Variable Name="SectionImageWidth"/>'

    <!-- SectionHeadImage HTML end -->
    <!-- <actinic:variable name="SectionDescription"/> -->
    The page it brings up in the top (design) window when I click on the errors is the Site Map, not sure if that's relevant but I'm not sure what this segment of the layout does and why it's bringing up these coding errors (incidentally, while I was in my brave "try it and see" phase last week, I did remove this chunk of coding to see what it did, and lost all my page content but I'm sure anyone"in the know" will have expected that!)

    Can anyone help me, please?
    I can't use the automated stock control mole to update the website while I have these coding errors as it keeps selecting the option to view them and stopping the upload

    Last edited by TraceyHand; 24-May-2007, 09:07 AM. Reason: forgot to attach attachment...dur!

    Don't know about fixing these but you should be able to click on 'Ignore errors' or somesuch and carry on uploading, I've done it lots of times before I could track down the errors.


      Thank John,
      I do that when I'm uploading manually but the automated stock control mole clicks the "yes" button to view the errors by default so it means that, while I have these coding errors, I am unable to leave it to manage my stock/order downloads and uploads.

      ETS..I might edit the mole to click "no" for a while til I get them sorted..I just hope it doesn't encounter any other yes/no options where I need it to choose yes!


        Revert the layout to factory and then rebuild it


          That's the thing though, Jo, I haven't customised it at all
          It doesn't show with a * when I click the option to show customised layouts.
          It's just labelled as "Act_Header (Upgraded)" so presumably it's something that's carried through from the V7-8 upgrade

          Additionally, the "revert to factory settings" option is greyed out for this layout too..presumably because it already is?


            Ok this is what I would do, it may not be the correct method but

            Keep a copy of the code in the "correct" header so you've got the code for later
            delete the contents ofthe header layout
            and test upload to see if the errors go away
            put each variable back in one by one
            and test upload , repeat

            hope the errors go away by rebuilding the same header

            if not wait for someone else to reply or go rant at support


              now, you see, that's kinda what I did last week..and the errors DID go away...
              Unfortunately, so did my site content
              Maybe I'll log a(nother) support ticket

              Weird thing is...its the Act_Header that's causing the problem..but I can't access it through the design has the Act_Primary layout highlighted in the design tree (maybe that's normal..I dunno!)

              Thanks anyway, Jo


                When I first upgraded from V7 to V8 it put in lots of comment code that didn't belong and caused similar error reports, what I did.

                Copy problem layout in notebook and save file to revert to, then deleted all <!-- --> that were causing the errors, checked preview in case it caused major problems, then uploaded to see if error messages went.

                I was lucky in that I could load to a different domain to test the V8 site before going live, so I'm not sure how you could safeguard yourself apart from the usual snapshot before changes etc.,

                Someone on here much cleverer than me can probably tell you the proper way to check the errors, lets hope they come out of the woodwork soon.

                By the way, we've found V8 so slow when using Mole on auto, we've given up and just manually upload and download, it's much quicker.


                  John, that's pretty much what I did.
                  I took a "backup" and then deleted the parts that it was telling me were the problem

                  The offline preview looked errors on upload were gone...and then my store content (product pages) were blank!

                  Thanks anyway though.

                  And I agree about the upload being slow although it makes no difference if I use the mole or not. V8 is just crawling when it's checking the files prior to upload.


                    The above code looks like it is all commented out... a double <!-- <!-- on the 3rd line is only closed on the penultimate line ... the final line is also commented out.

                    I would try moving up a level to the parent layout and <!-- comment out --> that layout and see what effect it has (the layout looks like an old and modified v7 Act_SectionLine.html which you could replace with a new funky v8 version if needed)

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      The problem is (always an excuse, huh?!) there doesn't appear to be a parent layout.

                      If I click on the coding errors, they take me to "Site Map" in the design preview window...Act_Header in the layout window and Act_Primary is highlighted in the design tree...Act_Header isn't even listed in the design tree for the page

                      Now I'm assuming this is an upgraded V7 "template" ..I'm wondering if I can't just remove the whole of its content (taking a back up first, of course) and copy into my site-wide Act_Primary layout?

                      Edited to say...even though the Act_Primary is highlighted in the design tree when my Act_Header layout is showing on the left..actually clicking on the Act_Primary in the tree takes me to the real primary layout

                      I can't even find the Header one through the design tree at all..I'm kinda confused where it really is..might have to submit a new support ticket and get them to have a look at it


                        ok..this is interesting..
                        I've just expanded my design tree to "display design items currently not used by the page" and there lies my Act_Header

                        So why, if it's not being used by the page, is it
                        a) throwing up coding errors and
                        b) making such a dramatic bodge up of the site content when I edit it?


                          Me again...just rambling to myself!

                          Felt brave and deleted all the offending code from the supposedly "unused" header

                          Last test didn't go well at all! Removed all site page content which was a little worrying..

                          This week, in live mode (which is why I was hesitant to do it again!) it "seems" to have gone fine

                          It's highly possibly I was a little too "cut-happy" last time..I don't deny I tend to take a rest and sit back and wait and see what happens..
                          Did I mention I take back-ups a LOT!!

                 I have no coding errors..although the first upload gave me a checksum error message..a subsequent update did not. Just hoping it stays that way

                          So, I *think* this is sorted now but rest assured you'll all hear about it if it's not!

