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Script Changes From the Advanced User Guide

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    Script Changes From the Advanced User Guide


    I have been having issues with some of the script changes I made using the Advanced User Guide. The site was functioning correctly. However, I made my 'Other Info' box optional using the AUG, uploaded the changes and now when I try to add that particular product to the shopping cart I receive the following error.

    '500 Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.'

    This also happened yesterday when I had implemented some other script changes. When I looked this up on the forum the suggestion from Actinic was to do a 'Website Purge and Refresh' which of course wiped any changes I had made within the scripts. However, it solved the problem.

    Now though I need the 'Other Info' box as optional on my website as it is for optional personalisation on a card. Therefore, I need the change made in the script. Otherwise, when the customer trys to add the card to the cart without personalisation, it won't let them do it as the box still has to be filled in.

    I know this problem is being caused by the script as it was working fine before I made the change.

    Has anybody else had trouble with this and how can I resolve this issue?


    Has anybody else come across this issue?


      best to show us the changes you made so we can find your error


        Hi Jo,

        Thanks for your reply.

        I can't show the changes I made as the 'Website Purge & Refresh' undid them. I simply followed the instructions in the AUG and uploaded and got the error. I have made the changes twice now and the same thing has happened both times. I've just left it as it is at the moment (without the 'Other info') box as I don't want to change the script again to encounter the same problem and have to do a 'Website Purge & Refresh' once again. It is however preventing me from uploading my site though as I want to get these kinds of issues sorted before it goes live.

        Just waiting on a response from the support desk.


          Hi there,

          I can't show the changes I made as the 'Website Purge & Refresh' undid them.
          A website purge and refresh will undo any script changes. What's the exact version of your software (Help | About)? I'll make the script change for you.

          Toby Blanchard


            '500 Internal Server Error
            The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.'
            Try uploading JUST the modified script manually using FTP software and ensure it is set to ASCII transfer rather than Binary, then CHMOD it to set permissions correctly.

            Also ensure you edited the script in notepad or dreamweaver. Some other pieces of software can add illegal characters to the beginning or end of the file which can cause it to bomb out (usually RTF style editors)
            Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


              Hi Toby,

              I did the Website Purge and Refresh to undo the script changes to eradicate the error which worked. However, I still need to make the 'Other Info' box optional which obviously requires the script change.

              I am using version 8.5.1.

              Sivi from Support is currently looking into this and when trying to replicate it she had the same problem with the script. If you know what the resolution is perhaps you could speak to her directly and advise on the best course of action.

              Marci, thanks for your response. It would seem that the problem lies with the script as support checked the changes but there was still an issue. I used Notepad to modify the script so in theory it should not have added any illegal characters.




                Sivi has a workaround for you and will be sending you a mail shortly once she has tested that it works.

                The additional change required to the AUG workaround is as follows...

                right after where you made the above change, you will see the following line:

                elsif (length $sInfo > 1000)

                This needs to be changed to

                if (length $sInfo > 1000)

                Save the file and update.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King



                  These are the instructions I followed in the AUG. I have just tried it again and I have exactly the same error when trying to add a product to the cart, view the cart or checkout, so I have changed the script back to the way it was (again!), uploaded again and the error has gone. So, its definitely the script that's the problem.


                    My AUG (v1.4) has an error in that the closing bracket ")" is missing from the last line. Make sure you have
                    Comment out the first 4 lines (using #) and change the last line so that the code reads:
                    #if (length $sInfo == 0)
                    # {
                    # $sMessage .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 55, "<B>$sPrompt</B>") . "<P>\n";
                    # }
                    if (length $sInfo > 1000)
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                      Thank you so much. It's working now! This is the second time I have had problems with a script from the AUG and you have identified the problem. It's a pity that this wasn't picked up by the support team sooner as I have been extremely frustrated thinking that I was inputting the data incorrectly. I was starting to think I was going mad!

                      I will ask them to update this to avoid other people encountering the same issue.

                      Your help is much appreciated.


