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Embbeding An MP3 File

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    Embbeding An MP3 File

    How do I go about embedding an mp3 (sound file) to the index (home) page, or for that matter any other pages. Thanks

    If you use a search engine it will bring up about 4 million pages and 50,000 tutorials on how to do this.


      Embedding An mp3 file

      The code I know, sorry I am just not clear on how to place the code into actinic
      pages. A little help here would be grateful.


        mr hack, thats was a particularly harsh response!

        i mean, its not like the guy isnt trying or anything.

        its not like he diddnt search the forum for how to use either flash or html in actinic!

        further to the point, its not like i'm about to tell him to RTFM, am i?


          You would place the code in the layout for the page where you want the code to appear.


            Originally posted by chrisg56
            The code I know, sorry I am just not clear on how to place the code into actinic
            pages. A little help here would be grateful.
            Gotcha, the MP3 mention was just to throw me off guard.
            What you actually want to know is how to put any code of your choice into an area of your choice. There is no definitive answer as it depends how your store is designed. If you have one exterior design for all pages, then it is just a case of embedding the code in the layout in the place that you want it to show.

            If you are using actinic themes and have different layouts for product pages and brochure pages, you will need to include the code into whichever layout you require. The layout will always be the 'outer layout' in any case.

            Music can be embedded into a number of areas, because the user will never actually see it as it will be invisible, although you should always include a stop music button at the very least, as music automatically playing is a thing that pees more people off than it pleases.

            If it is code that a user is going to see on your page, then it is a case of including the code right where you want it to show. Code can look a little confusing at times, however always bear in mind that it works logically and usually in the order it will show, so you would find the area where you want your code to go under and then place it there.

            In your situation i would personally recommend getting the code to work on a non-actinic page so you know for sure it is working and then include it into actinic. This will give you the least amount of problems with this approach.

