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8.5.1 bug - removing ext. info data

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    8.5.1 bug - removing ext. info data

    I have been setting up a new shop and found that my products had by default extended info data in e.g. although on the extended info tab had genrate popup page not ticked there is greyed out data:

    link text: More...
    popup page: info_90.html
    extended info: text: blah blah

    Problem is when I go in to the extended info, switch it on then delete all the data and untick generate popup page the data then appears.

    I am trying to generate a tab separated file so my client can fill in and import (cant do flat file as prod pages too complicated). This bug means the export file has lots of values that arent relevant.....
    seo company: web development - online marketing - actinic ecommerce

    In the import file as long as you don't add a column that adds True for is extended info, you don't need to add ext info data to the import file


      Thanks for that, Im using the hierachical import format but isnt this a bug in actinic? Im setting somethign in actinic then it doesnt save it - just ignores my actions?

      version 8.5.1 full install
      seo company: web development - online marketing - actinic ecommerce


        I read your initial Q as saying regardless of anything I do I still get default info in ext info, even though its greyed out (ie tick box unchecked)

        my response was to say that it doesn't really matter. If you aren't using ext info then you don't need to import data, thus you can let actinic populate default info (that is subsuquently greyed out).

        Thats my understanding ....


          Yes Jo you are correct but when exporting the data as hierarchical it makes the csv harder to understand as it contains data that shouldnt really be there. ALso if you delete the data then re-import the file the ext. info is still there so I can only assume that actinic replaces it.

          It wouldnt bother me but I have to give the exported csv to a client to populate and it will just confuse them seeing extra data that doesnt relate to anything...
          seo company: web development - online marketing - actinic ecommerce

