For the record, I do wonder why it need 30 steps of difficult coding to add the Google Analytics and get it working....
Also Bruce ' is that Willis ' King said it was OK, so I was willing to give a go.
I think there should be a huge health warning.... this does not work with all themes. This does not always work with the Executive theme - which BTW Actinic v8 sets as standard when importing from v7.
It still does my head in that something as straightforward as monitoring your google adwords cannot be done in v8.
My next project is to lock into Paypal Premium, and I suspect that while possible this is also going to be a nightmare.
Hey Actinic Programmers, can you think how a shop keeper thinks, PLEASE?
FWIW make sure you read all the community posts about Paypal pro before you take this on, there are a few flaws that are causing some of us to hold back on it until the integration is improved. For example shipping is not charged under cetain circumstances. You have been warned for the benefit of your stress levels
I'd thought i put my 2p's worth in that Google has Killed the analitcs industry, by offering its version for free!
So i reckon from now on the only analitcs used will be googles (slowly but surely they are taking over the www)
I've setup my google analytics as suggested in Elieen excellent thread.
However I wanted to follow her suggestion about setup a funnel with different stages with the goal. However this has given rise to my question.
What are the differnt URLs?
Previously I's used what I though was the url for the Receipt Page
I have followed the proceedure on here as closely as possible - I have a custom theme. I can see the code is on the pages when I look at the source in a browser but my client is getting nothing coming through to his google analytics stats...
Being my first Actinic site I am well aware that I my have done something silly and would be eternally grateful if anyone has the time to take a quick look at:
I followed the excellent instructions Eileen was good enough to put here and have implemented them on a friend's site. I am no coder but got through Eileen's instructions easily (I think!)
The only thing I found to be different was within step 10 (my body tag code looked a little different) but I went ahead and placed what I needed to within it.
Google Analytics is picking up something, but it's not getting all visitors, it only tracks those that convert! The only pages it appears to be tracking are /receipt.html and the order finished pages...
Have I missed something? I am using version 8.
I hope it's a simple problem and just something I have missed - but an idiots guide to putting it right would be much appreciated.