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Urgent help required - checkout won't transfer to PROTX!

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    Urgent help required - checkout won't transfer to PROTX!

    Can any one help as I can't speak to anyone at Actinic as the offices are closed for bank hols!! When customers go through the checkout process on my site they get to the page where they should be transferred to the Protx server and then it just hangs. I have checked my business settings and the configure method and all is where it should be. We have only made changes to the home page in the last few days and not touched anything else. I did recently upgrade to 8.5 but can't see why this would affect things. I rang Protx and we tried a couple of things - changed the version number- no joy - then went in and put in a new password instead of test vendor and updated version number - still no joy. They think it is an Actinic software problem. Actinic technical support is of course closed as it is the weekend and then we have the bank holiday as well.....

    Can any one help? I am tearing my hair out as it is the weekend and I am supposed to be going away for a few days but don't want to leave the site like this!!! aagh.

    Check you have the code from in the outer layout

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      More info?

      You say it just hangs? Do you get an error message?

      I upgraded from 7 Cat to 8 Biz last week and got Protx working ok after tweakin some code. Yesterday I upgraded from 8 to 8.5 and protx continues to work ok.

      So in my experience, if you upgraded from 8 Biz to 8.5 biz then it should work ok without having to change anything.

      Hope this helps a teeny bit!
      Pete Europe's largest online yo-yo shop for skill toys specialist boomerang store for Japanese Kendama

      A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


        Thanks guys - will try this

        Thanks for this - I am not a programmer so may need to get some help with this as don't know much about code. The person I usually call on is away at the moment.

        I don't get an error message at all - it just says transferring to VSP Protx etc and then nothing happens.

        Will struggle on! Honestly don't know what I would do without the help on this forum sometimes - I usually get the answers here! n Thanks v.v. much.


          Originally posted by PeterThake
          You say it just hangs? Do you get an error message?

          I upgraded from 7 Cat to 8 Biz last week and got Protx working ok after tweakin some code. Yesterday I upgraded from 8 to 8.5 and protx continues to work ok.

          So in my experience, if you upgraded from 8 Biz to 8.5 biz then it should work ok without having to change anything.

          Hope this helps a teeny bit!

          What did you do as I have Protx account with another shopcart but I'm buggered if it works on v8.5

          Can you please explain in exact detail what you done, your setings etc as there a lot of us having trouble with the intergration, I don't even get a bounce page


            Ive just posted an integration guide on your other thread.

