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Also Bought in Shopping Cart but not in Check Out

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    Also Bought in Shopping Cart but not in Check Out

    Is there a way to have the Also Bought Items list appear in the shopping cart (ie. the page the customer is directed to after hitting the "add to cart button") but not in the check out pages of the site (ie. the pages where the customer selects shipping destination and onwards.

    It is my thinking that having the Also Bought info in the check out pages may be confusing to the customer - as they may think they are being charged for those items also. In my view check out should be simple and clean with no unneccesary info.

    In the design tab switch to the page type "add to cart confirmation" ... highlight the code adding the also boughts (the layout is probably "Also bought items in shopping cart") and hit the green "insert block" icon just about the code window

    In the popup add PageType == "Add to Cart Confirmation"

    Note simply start typing PageType and select the line from the drop down.

    In theory that will only apply that layout when the page type = "add to cart confirmation"

    Note you can do this for each of the cart pages to create different effects.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks Jont,

      Been a while since I have been able to get around to this... but I'm not geting anywhere. Hope you, or someone else, can help further.

      I've added the following to my page
      <actinic:block if="<actinic:variable name="PageType"==Shopping Cart />

      "Code that I only want shown on Shopping Cart Page Here"


      I've tried various ways of writing Shopping Cart (ie. without a space, with inverted commas, outside the brackets etc) without any luck.

      I receive a coding error each time: Syntax Error in object's condition.

      Basically what I want to achieve is to have the "Other Customer's Also Bought" list only appear on the shopping cart summary page - not in the remainder of the check out process.


        Try this....

        Go to the Design tab and using the 'Select Page Type' drop-down select 'Checkout Page 0'

        In the layout code around line 54 you should see, the 'Also Bought' layout 'Also Bought Items In Shopping Cart'

        highlight it and then copy and paste the code below in its place.
        <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%20%3d%3d%20%22Checkout%5fShopping%5fCart%5fGrid%22">
        <actinic:variable name="ShoppingCartAlsoBoughtItems" value="Also Bought Items in Shopping Cart" />
        This should prevent the 'Also Bought' list from appearing in the checkout pages.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          can you not just hide them on the layouts using <!-- -->

          then if you ever want to put them back it is simple, just a thought



            Originally posted by Darren B
            can you not just hide them on the layouts using <!-- -->
            That would hide them on all the pages.... the same layout is recycled throughout the cart hence the need for a <block if>

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Thanks Bruce, the solution offered works.

