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    There are very few threads on this and guess it's a no go area?

    I have QB2002 pro, and all orders can be exported to QB, however, it's all blank in the QB Internet Shopper account?

    My question is simply why doesn't V8.5 export all the info, customer name/amount bought/ etc it just exports the blooomin' account ie; INTERNET SHOPPER ACCOUNT

    No other info at all

    Don't tell me I have to enter the customer detail manually with QB to create invoices please, it's a pain in the rear and I bought V8 for this reason to work with QB

    Nightmare or what

    I'm sure i've got this working before. Let me set it up again.

    What do you have selected in your "Transaction Types" tab?

    Toby Blanchard


      Thanks Toby

      I'm afraid I'm not on the pc that uses V8.5 so I can't recall what I have got set, however, what I do know is that I have it set as per the instruction manual - I think?

      I have the Internet Shopper account in QB, the orders "export" ok and QB confirms the orders have been "imported" but when I open Internet Shopper in QB, the cupboard is bare.....not a scratch of anything imported at all


        Can it be done?

        Originally posted by Toby B
        I'm sure i've got this working before. Let me set it up again.

        What do you have selected in your "Transaction Types" tab?
        Toby, I am wrestling with this issue at the moment and am resigned to living with my customers being called "Internet Shopper" in QB, but I would LOVE to know a work-around to bring the customer details in with the orders. It would make life much easier!

        Pete Europe's largest online yo-yo shop for skill toys specialist boomerang store for Japanese Kendama

        A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!



          Sorry for sounding thick here, but are you saying you have EXACTLY the same fault?

          Ie, everything "confirms" that orders have been exported from V8.5 and then imported to QB perfectly fine, and when you look in QB all you see is an account called Internet Shopper but no details at all, nothing, nada, ziltch, blank, empty?

          If so, thank gawd for that, I was going loco at the weekend!




            Hi Kev,

            It is not a fault, it is a feature

            When I import orders from Actinic I can get a sales receipt with the order details on it. The sales receipt is populated with the customer name and address, items ordered, costs etc. What it does not do is bring the customer name into the Customer:Job field. This is where I normally store the customer name. Instead, all orders are under the generic Internet Shopper id. This is better than copying and pasting everything, but I do wish I had a record of the customer in QB. You can achieve this by copying and pasting the customer name into the Customer:job field on the sales receipt page. Not ideal.

            Another limitation is that the product names in QB MUST be identical to the item names in Actinic. Otherwise the imported order will create a new service product in QB. Having upgraded from v7 to v8 I am now undertaking a massive rewrite of my Actinic Product References. Hundreds of the things...

            A limitation of the generic customer for me is that you cannot easily search for a particular customer by name in QB. Also, you cannot search for the Actinic Order reference in QB. The order Actinic order reference is imported into the memo field along with other data but this is not suited to searching. Again, you can copy an paste this into a custom field in QB but I this slows down the automation greatly. For every order I import into QB I have to manually copy and paste 3 times to 'tidy up' the data. Or is it 4?

            An irritation of the LINK is that you cannot reference a QB child item directly without using the translation table. ie if you have an Actinic product called YOYO RED it will not be matched to the QB item called YOYO RED if it is a subitem (like YOYOS:YOYORED). You cannot put a colon in the Product Reference in Actinic. This means you cannot directly link an Actinic Product to a QB sub-product. You MUST use the LINK transation table to do this.

            I do wish Actinic would improve the functionality of QB LINK.

            So my Actinic Quickbooks LINK wishlist is:
            1. Bring the customer details into QB properly (create a customer account).
            2. Bring the Actinic reference into another QB customer field so it can be searched on.
            3. Allow more than one reference to a QB Item in the Translation table (see other thread on this).
            4. Let Actinic products match QB items even if the QB item is a sub-item (eg Yoyos:Yoyo RED)

            Sorry if my terminology is out, I quit programming ages ago and frankly I didn't think a web shop would require this level of tinkering!!

            btw there is a QB IIF import product by Big Red that might be of interest - I am still exploring that. Maybe that could bring the customer details in... (MODERATORS - if this renders this post unsubmittable please just delete that bit not the whole post!!)
            All the best,

   Europe's largest online yo-yo shop
   for skill toys
   specialist boomerang store
   for Japanese Kendama

            A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


              Great reply Pete

              So my "orders" are somewhere in the sales receipts hence me having a bald Internet Shopper account


              I feel a mare of a weekend coming up here......

              Thanks Pete

              PS, just to save me from going insane, is there chance you could email me a few screen shots of your QB (where the orders are etc) I'm ok with QB but this interface is driving me round the preverbual


                Sales receipts

                Just go to the Customers>Create Sales Receipts menu item on the QB drop-down. btw I am using QB Pro 2005 so screen shots would not help. I have never used any other version of QB - I hope yours has the same functionality.

                Oh - be warned, when Actinic Link brings the orders in, it uses the date of the sale not the date of payment for the Order Receipt date. So they may not appear in the correct order within the Sales Receipt page iyswim.

                Another warning - if you reimport the same IIF you will get duplicates.

                Good luck!

       Europe's largest online yo-yo shop
       for skill toys
       specialist boomerang store
       for Japanese Kendama

                A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


                  Thanks Pete

                  You've been more help that the bleedin' manual has!

                  I'll let all know what happens - if anything asap



                    Can it be done?

                    Originally posted by Toby B
                    I'm sure i've got this working before. Let me set it up again.

                    What do you have selected in your "Transaction Types" tab?

                    Is it possible for the LINK for QB to bring in the Customer details into the customer accounts in QB? Or are we stuck with the generic 'Internet Shopper'?

                    If so, can this be added to the wish list?


           Europe's largest online yo-yo shop
           for skill toys
           specialist boomerang store
           for Japanese Kendama

                    A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


                      Clever boy Pete

                      I looked in the Sales Receipts and there they were-- all duplicated 4 times as I didn't know that's where they were! oops!

                      But this is still a pain in the rear as unless I'm wrong, I'd have to cut & paste their detail/s into the Invoice template? or can I create the Sales REceipt into an Invoice without C & P?

                      If this is so, it'd be quicker not bothering importing anything and manually type it out like I've always done

                      oh joyous fun this is



                        Hi Kev,
                        Glad you found them!

                        I think the sales receipt is created when you have received payment. Assuming you are only importing completed and paid-for sales from Actinic into QB then you don't need(?) the sales order or invoice. Or perhaps that is just the way I am working - I only put actual completed paid sales onto QB.

                        To create the customer from the Sales Receipt you can cup and paste the whole of the customer name and address into the Customer:job field, then paste the same info again back into the adress part. Then you will have a full customer record for that sale. Bit of work but overall still quicker than a complete manual cut and paste from Actinic.

                        Must think of an abbreviation for cut and paste!

               Europe's largest online yo-yo shop
               for skill toys
               specialist boomerang store
               for Japanese Kendama

                        A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


                          thanks Pete

                          you've been a great help

                          Ill dabble over the weekend on this and I'll let you know if there is anyother work around

                          Thanks for your tips - you've saved me a good few hours!




                            Hi Pete,


                            Is it possible for the LINK for QB to bring in the Customer details into the customer accounts in QB? Or are we stuck with the generic 'Internet Shopper'?

                            If so, can this be added to the wish list?

                            I'm afraid all unregistered customer orders are imported under the generic account.

                            I will add this to the wish list for you.

                            If you use customer accounts in Actinic you can link their orders to the correct customer in QB.

                            Toby Blanchard


                              Originally posted by Toby B
                              Hi Pete,

                              I'm afraid all unregistered customer orders are imported under the generic account.

                              I will add this to the wish list for you.

                              If you use customer accounts in Actinic you can link their orders to the correct customer in QB.
                              So to bring this back up.

                              Qbooks link does not put the name or address from the Actinic order ??
                              and it can not put the products in unless they are the same name ???

                              What use is this ! we are takeing 30+ orders a day and have to print the order off and then manual input it in to quick books

