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Multiple Currencies

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    Multiple Currencies


    I'm really tempted to convert our site to Actinic but the problem is that we operate in GBP, USD, EUR and AUD. Does anyone know of a plugin or a company who could write one that would allow us to do this, the main issue is that we want to be able to specifically set the price in the different currencies rather than just use an exchange rate.


    I think Norman has a multi currency add-on over at to do this. Have you thought about how you are going to process the payments as card processors will almost every single time use a different currency rate than you, which means your prices are always incorrect and cause multiple subsequent contacts about the different prices charged.

    I've always thought that displaying in one currency and providing a currency converter for them to 'approximately' convert into their currency is the best approach. Trying to be too exact in this area and you just get bitten on the ass.


      We're able to bill exactly at what ever price the user selects, Protx are really handy for that. For example our most popular product retails at £24.95 and $39.95 USD and that's what we charge with the current system in the currency of the shoppers choice. The reason I'm not a fan of dynamic currency is the strength of the pound at the moment, on that product we make £5 approx on US sales.


        So you want to list in 4 static currencies and ensure that this exact amount is taken each time on a sale. That will need custom work IMO and Norm at drillpine would be my first port of call. Actinic handles 2 currencies however these are driven by an exchange rate, which will not give you the exact prices as you wish.

        There must be a way of having a question at the start for users to specify which currency they would like prices to be shown in and then this currency displays across the site. Showing 4 currencies can look messy and 3 of them are a waste of time for each visitor.


          That's right, currently we do an ip lookup agains a list of geographical ip ranges and then auto select the users currency, they have the option of changing it using a link at the top of the page. We then only show them the price in their currency.


            Originally posted by John@PP
            We're able to bill exactly at what ever price the user selects, Protx are really handy for that. For example our most popular product retails at £24.95 and $39.95 USD and that's what we charge with the current system in the currency of the shoppers choice. The reason I'm not a fan of dynamic currency is the strength of the pound at the moment, on that product we make £5 approx on US sales.
            Please feel free to correct me if I've misunderstood, but from your post it would appear that if a customer chooses to purchase in US $ you receive $39.95, but in sterling you get £24.95.
            If that's the case you are LOSING £5.00 profit on every US$ sale!
            Can't you increase the US $ price to compensate for this?
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