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PayPal Pro and Shipping

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    PayPal Pro and Shipping

    I have been reading all of the threads on here regarding the topic of the moment PPP and all of the comments from Support, including Bruce Kings explanation of how PPP works and how the Express checkout also works.

    I switched on PPP on Friday and over the weekend have had two customers click on the Paypal express checkout bit. Both customers checked out and neither has been charged shipping.

    I have sent a snapshot to support, and am removing PPP from my site now as it just dont do what it says on the tin. On speaking to support i would have to say that no one on the front line seems to understand what the F is going on with it either!

    When runnning PPP I thought it was meant to utilise your SSL and take all the data capture from your site, yet on mine people still end up in Paypal to input CC details.

    Now im no IT expert but have a good idea of what im doing, I do however bow to the knowledge on this community and apologise if I am asking questions previously asked, im just not feeling that anyone knows what the hell is meant to happen with PPP and am also wondering why it has been released in 8.5.1 when it dont work!!

    I am now going to sit in a dark room for an hour before venturing back on here to read a few more thousand threads on PPP

    Chin chin

    Lloyd Hawken

    Originally posted by Nappyman
    I switched on PPP on Friday and over the weekend have had two customers click on the Paypal express checkout bit. Both customers checked out and neither has been charged shipping.
    This was my main concern that i aired about a week ago, your post has confirmed my fears. I think we can safely say that unless it is a must for you to start using PPP, then steer clear for heavens sake for the time being. I'm not sure i have ever seen something implemented with such little guidance and poor integration as PPP - shocking is the kindest word i can think of.

    Given Mr Barling's recent words on PPP (In the next few weeks we will be promoting Paypal Pro heavily. That’s what we have today, so that’s what we will promote), one can only assume that he has no idea what the hell is going on either, promotion of this PPP integration would be tantamount to IT suicide in my eyes.


      Dont worry it is now removed.

      I must admit I purchased actinic late last year thinking that it was a out of the box solution that a non developer would be able to utilise. I have dreamweaver experience for many years and can build a fair site with it. I am getting to the point where I am wondering if Actinic is for me, especially with things like this happening as it does show its been rushed out without thorough investigation.

      We are a relatively young business, like many young businesses cash flow is always playing on the mind and winning and retaining customers is also at the forefront of my mind. If a cart isnt working properly. or if I am having to go back to customers and ask for more money as not enough was taken for shipping it isnt going to give our business the best of images.

      Perhaps Actinic need to draw a line in the sand and remove support for PPP before more people come a cropper.

      I wont even mention Google checkout - oops just did!

      Can we have some direction on this Actinic?

      Lloyd Hawken


        Originally posted by leehack
        Given Mr Barling's recent words on PPP (In the next few weeks we will be promoting Paypal Pro heavily. That’s what we have today, so that’s what we will promote), one can only assume that he has no idea what the hell is going on either, promotion of this PPP integration would be tantamount to IT suicide in my eyes.
        Lee, it seems you've come round to quoting me, quoting Mr B, I don't think suicide is the word, it's more like 'you've paid me the money, if you don't like it, tough sh*t'



          I'm not averse to quoting the words of a big wig if needed to make a point, what i don't want to portray is a witch hunt or cheap shots at every opportunity (which is what you are doing IMO). Some of the things he has said have had me thinking 'total boulder dash', however i still respect the guy for coming on and backing up his troops and at least trying to calm the storm or communicate with us.

          I have 2 of the sites i have designed currently using PPP and to be honest i haven't a clue wtf is going on with them or how it is even working. Currently with PPP, it seems that we have this to me:

          Big Wig - Intent on promoting the service
          Chris & Bruce - Taking the shit thrown in the forum (very unfair)
          Support - They seem to have no idea about the nuts and bolts of it
          Actinic Developers - Chuffed with their new integration
          Web Designers - Very little idea on the process
          Clients - Even less idea

          It all stinks of poor communication and/or poor testing to me. The people creating these additions are not in communication with the people who will implement it or use it - this is fundamental. This is only added to by the fact that the big wig is intent on promoting the service, yet not one of us (including actinic support) have the foggiest on how the bloody thing is supposed to work, so there must be something wrong somewhere, unless i am off in my different world of simplicity again. The 4 basic fields that Paypal require completing could not even be labelled correctly - what does this tell you?

          It seems to be that the big wig is told by the developers that it works, he promotes it and all of the people are left in the middle having no idea wtf is going on. Imagine being Bruce or Chris at the moment trying to help people on the forum, i'd want to go and sit in a box for a week and never come out.

          When something this big has taken this much time to implement, for heavens sake have a chuffing sticky in the forum explaining the whole thing on the day it is released - it really is such a simple working practice.


            Originally posted by Nappyman
            When runnning PPP I thought it was meant to utilise your SSL and take all the data capture from your site, yet on mine people still end up in Paypal to input CC details.
            See my recent answer here. Basically Paypal Pro is a bundle and the Direct Debit bit does exactly what you described above. The Express Checkout bit is a replacement of Actinic's checkout. Unfortunately you are not allowed to use Direct Debit only although it is technically possible.

            I switched on PPP on Friday and over the weekend have had two customers click on the Paypal express checkout bit. Both customers checked out and neither has been charged shipping.
            What kind of shipping do you use? Please note that Paypal Express Checkout doesn't work with Actinic if your shipping setup uses non standard shipping zones (i.e. you have zones without standard ISO country code).
            Actinic Software


              Originally posted by zmagyar
              See my recent answer here. Basically Paypal Pro is a bundle and the Direct Debit bit does exactly what you described above. The Express Checkout bit is a replacement of Actinic's checkout. Unfortunately you are not allowed to use Direct Debit only although it is technically possible.

              What kind of shipping do you use? Please note that Paypal Express Checkout doesn't work with Actinic if your shipping setup uses non standard shipping zones (i.e. you have zones without standard ISO country code).
              Hi I have found out what I believe to be the reason we are not getting shipping charges associated with PayPal Express Checkout. Here's what happens: The (brand new) customer places an article in the Cart and goes to Checkout. DOESN'T enter their Country!! And clicks on PayPal Express Checkout button. The Shipping charges I have set up are based on location so if they haven't put in a location the charges passed to PayPal are £0... They are never calculated. The customer pays for the product and VAT and then is understandibly upset when you contact them and say you need to pay for shipping!!!

              So there is another choice in the Checkout (0) screen. Which is to click NEXT and pay with another method... If you have NOT entered a Country (i.e. UK) then the product highlights the error and will not proceed.

              Does anyone know how we can put the same check into the customer clicking on the PayPal button. If the location is known before Actinic passes the value of the sale to PayPal (because it has calculated the shipping) all will work fine.

              It is that simple (I think). Anybody know how to do that? i.e. Make the Country Selection a requirement before you can click through to PayPal Express????

              I'm going to ask support, but if someone can help I'd appreciate it.




                Originally posted by BBZGuitars
                Anybody know how to do that? i.e. Make the Country Selection a requirement before you can click through to PayPal Express????
                Settings > Business Settings > Ordering > (Miscellaneous) Request Location Information Early.
                This requires a country to be submitted before you can confirm an add to cart.

                HOWEVER, you can't use this if you have "Quantity on Product Pages" used anywhere on site. You'd have to change the whole site to "Quantity in Shopping Cart", if necessary.

                Would that help?


                  The problem as i recollect is due to Actinic not coding the country codes correctly. Apparantly all PSPs use the UK as the country code however Payapl uses GB.

                  Which is slightly different to your Q i know.... but I would like ot know if this fix is in beta 8.5.2, as i didn't see it on the list of bug fixes


                    Originally posted by pinbrook
                    The problem as i recollect is due to Actinic not coding the country codes correctly. Apparantly all PSPs use the UK as the country code however Payapl uses GB.

                    Which is slightly different to your Q i know.... but I would like ot know if this fix is in beta 8.5.2, as i didn't see it on the list of bug fixes
                    good point..I thought fixing these "advanced" Paypal problems was one of the reasons for the release?


                      Originally posted by pinbrook
                      The problem as i recollect is due to Actinic not coding the country codes correctly. Apparantly all PSPs use the UK as the country code however Payapl uses GB.

                      Which is slightly different to your Q i know.... but I would like ot know if this fix is in beta 8.5.2, as i didn't see it on the list of bug fixes
                      Hi, Yes, this is another problem! If it's GB or UK that PayPal passes back doesn't matter if the transaction has already gone through without calculating shipping cost! Which is what happens at the moment.


                        Originally posted by budgetbumps
                        Settings > Business Settings > Ordering > (Miscellaneous) Request Location Information Early.
                        This requires a country to be submitted before you can confirm an add to cart.

                        HOWEVER, you can't use this if you have "Quantity on Product Pages" used anywhere on site. You'd have to change the whole site to "Quantity in Shopping Cart", if necessary.

                        Would that help?
                        Unfortunately the option is greyed out... Probably because I use "Quantity on Product Pages".

                        I guess what I want to know is which piece of code to copy in the Checkout0 page from the NEXT button to the PayPal button and where to put it.

                        Thanks again,


