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A few design related questions...

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    A few design related questions...

    Hey, thanks to anyone in advance who can help me out with my newbie related questions.

    Anyway...with the site launched i am looking to add little bits here and there to keep the design useful. What i am looking to do is add more to the 'side panel' area. Currently in our template were the navigation is, best seller list things like that. If your not sure what i mean, this area.

    How do i add/change those areas? I am looking to make one with custom information in there, i had a quick look through the guide and a search here but no luck!

    Also while on the subject, the prices on our website are listed without VAT (and noted as such) however on the best seller lists, it lists the price automatically with VAT already added. In the best seller options, there doesn't seem to be anything that changes this.

    Any help?

    Thanks again
    LMC Audio Systems - Pure Audio Choice

    How do i add/change those areas? I am looking to make one with custom information in there, i had a quick look through the guide and a search here but no luck!
    That will probably be located in your web page outer layout (look in Design | Library)
    I would look through the AUG for guides on how to 'Include File Content Dynamically Online' as this will allow you to code areas that you just change the 1 file rather than Actinic having to upload the whole site every time u change something.
    Also while on the subject, the prices on our website are listed without VAT (and noted as such) however on the best seller lists, it lists the price automatically with VAT already added. In the best seller options, there doesn't seem to be anything that changes this.
    Look for the variable that includes the price in the BestSeller layout
    The one on the product page is
    <actinic:variable encoding="html" name="TaxInclusivePrice" />
    maybe you could try this instead?


    Jos Medinger

    Tel : 01978 843 962
    Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


      Originally posted by jmedinger
      That will probably be located in your web page outer layout (look in Design | Library)
      I would look through the AUG for guides on how to 'Include File Content Dynamically Online' as this will allow you to code areas that you just change the 1 file rather than Actinic having to upload the whole site every time u change something.

      Look for the variable that includes the price in the BestSeller layout
      The one on the product page is
      <actinic:variable encoding="html" name="TaxInclusivePrice" />
      maybe you could try this instead?

      Thanks for the help Jos, i will have a look at that today and see about adding a bit that i want on the side.

      As for the TaxInclusivePrice variable, are you talking about the layouts that are in the 'Web page inner layout' or the actual 'Best seller list' layouts?

      LMC Audio Systems - Pure Audio Choice



        If you look in 'Design' view and click on the price on a standard product, it will show you the code that calls that value.

        Then click on the price in the bestseller preview and it will show you the code for that.

        You'll notice they're different... just change the bestseller one to be the same as the product price and bingo!



        Jos Medinger

        Tel : 01978 843 962
        Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


          Ah! I got you, thanks a lot
          LMC Audio Systems - Pure Audio Choice


            Sorry to bump this up, but i have had a quick look through the AUG and it's not quite what i had in mind.

            What i am getting at is having a simple area between say, product sections and main pages (like in the image i showed above) to write a little site information or in this case include a logo. Almost like a fragment i suppose, but on the side bar. The information would be static and i doubt would change very often.

            Sorry to bump my own thread, hope that it makes more sense now!
            LMC Audio Systems - Pure Audio Choice


              Select the outer layout on the design tab and include code wherever you want it to your hearts content. The design tab effectively gives you a design window to do whatever you want to with your site.


                I guess you're best to just include in into the main template (it'll be in the web page outer layouts).
                Click on the outskirts of your preview in design view and see what the template is that it is using - you can then edit this to include your logo or text directly onto the main template page. Bear in mind that each time you change this content, it will have to republish all the catalog pages - this is why I suggested using the 'dynamically included html pages' option


                Jos Medinger

                Tel : 01978 843 962
                Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


                  Got what i wanted thanks to both of you and the patience to help a newbie! I think my problem was i was looking for a complicated solution to something that really didn't require one.

                  Thanks again to both of you.
                  LMC Audio Systems - Pure Audio Choice

