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Items with Free UK Postage

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    Items with Free UK Postage

    Is it possible for some items to be postage free for UK only?

    We are using weight based shipping.

    We have so far set some light items to be near zero weight, and a "upto 0.01g = zero" in the tables for UK.

    However we now have some items which are 50 grams which we want it to be post free for UK. If we put their weights = zero, then the UK postage table would work, but it would be completely wrong for shipping overseas eg. if someone in the USA ordered 100x50g = 5kgs, but would only get charged for the minimum rate on our table...

    Pls help.


    Can you show us what you have setup in your shipping currently and also explain what weights you have on products and also what is the default weight you have specified. You will more than likely have to scrap your current solution and move to a new solution (still weight based though).

    In simple terms, your light 'free post' items need to have low weights with no shipping costs attached for UK, however those weights will fire costs for US shipping by including charges.



      UK > Royal mail [basis = weight in kg]
      Upto 0.01 kg = zero

      USA > Royal mail int'l signed for [basis = weight in kg]
      upto 0.50 kg = £8.10
      upto 1.00 kg = £13.50

      all categories = default
      excess = don't allow excess
      orders free = unticked

      So we have 0.05 kg (50g) product we want it to be Post Free for the UK.
      Product X is 0.05 kg per unit.
      We've set the Product "X" to be zero weight,
      so someone orders: 20 units of Product X = 1.00kg

      UK Shipping = Free
      (which is what we want)

      USA Shipping = £13.50
      (due to the zero weights, Actinic will calculate this one under the "upto 0.50 kg" rate @ £8.10)

      Making the weights to zero is clearly the wrong way to do this...
      Is there another way to do this so that it works?


