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A little more on PPP with ref to Express Checkout

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    A little more on PPP with ref to Express Checkout

    I am writing this with regard to my previous post regarding PPP and not charging for shipping.

    Firstly was glad to see the info posted by Bruce regarding PPP and hopefully demystifying it a little - I hope the front line support desk have now all read it.

    If we are to use PPP and have to have the Paypal Express as per the PP agreement I cannot see how it works with Actinic.

    I like many people have worked the shipping on weight and zones as we are mostly bound buy weight with our carriers.

    This works brilliantly with Actinic E Commerce, but it now has a spanner in the works with the express checkout element of PPP.

    I have just been scouring the settings on my PPP account and the shipping settings are based on money spent and not weight. Great if your only selling one item or a number of items with uniform price and weight. Not great for me however as something like a pushchair may weigh only 7kg, but cost £100, where as a couple of boxes of nappies may weigh 20kg but only cost £40.

    I think it a case of chalk and cheese as my brain is straining for a way for this to work. Alas I think the much awaited and talked about PPP aint going to cut the mustard if this is the only way to make the express element of checkout work.

    I would be interested to know if anyone else has come across this problem and also has a solution. I am going to contact my PP account manager tomorrow but from where im sitting at the moment it dont look good and PPP isnt going to factor into my website as first hoped.

    Lloyd - Sorry to raise more PPP traffic on here!
    Lloyd Hawken

    Hi Lloyd

    I don't think the settings in your PPP account bear any relation to the shipping charges - they should be taken directly from your configuration within Actinic. I've tried this with a test account and it worked correctly when I ordered a heavy, low value item.
    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Ben i am referring to the Express checkout element of PalPalPro as quoted in Bruces guide where it states the shipping charges are then handled by Paypal. On your paypal account there is a section where you define shipping charges for Paypal Express Checkout, this is defined in money spent and not weight.

      I am not saying that the direct debit element of PayPal Pro looks after the shipping charges, this is done through actinic, but the whole point about express is that it by passes this part of the actinic checkout operation!
      Lloyd Hawken


        Sorry, I forgot to mention that it was the Express checkout that I was testing. As a shopper you are passed to the Paypal website, log in and it's your postage and billing details that are handled by Paypal - the merchant's shipping charges are still carried across from the configuration in Actinic.

        Let me know if you have a test site if this doesn't work for you.
        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software


          Hi Ben

          Paul Murphy in Support currently has a snapshot which is being looked into.

          One thing he has raised is that PPP will not work as it should with a shared SSL which is quite a bugger, and i wonder how many other people on here with sites also have a shared ssl?

          Lloyd Hawken

