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Style different in program than on website, css problem?

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    Style different in program than on website, css problem?

    Hi, got a problem...

    Inside the A-v8 program my website looks perfect the colours are perfect (using the inbuilt theme advanced editor) and I am calling my template from DW. My template I made also has its own css with all the layout details and thats fine. The html file calls both my css and the actinic.css aswell. Which is fine the website design wise displays perfectly. BUT all the colours and fonts are wrong. Strangley its displaying the old colour settings from the orginal test design. The problem then is with the actinic.css as i copied the colour ref #34903 etc from the css file into photoshop and its a match. But in actinic it works fine it uses the colours its spose to. Also in preview mode (ctrl+w) it also displays the correct style. When I go into the files in XP and run one of the html files it displays the wrong text colours etc.. hence the same on the web..

    it really clashes and doesnt work at all and needs to be changed. I write css but opened the actinic.css file and theres no structure to it whatso ever its just 200 lines of codes with no brakes or anything lol so I dont plan on sitting there editing it all day.

    I've deleted the file, ran it from Av8 still works as it should of.. but then run the website and it doesnt.. So maybe its calling the real css file the one I want from somewhere else? Like a temp file or something...

    ANY IDEAS!???

    Fixed it! copied the css files from previewHTML folder into site1 folder and it works so if anyone else gets the prob.. do that... Dan


      I have experienced a similar issue with externally linked stylesheets that will not update after making a change and previewing... deleting the copy in PreviewHTML and generating a new preview resolves.

      Trying adding the external sheet to the additional files list if not already there as I have found this also solves several other sins with external stylesheets.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

