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Coding error - out of context...

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    Coding error - out of context...

    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE" >
       &nbsp;&nbsp;(+ <actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block> inc VAT)
    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e" />
       &nbsp;&nbsp;(+ <actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::ProductPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block> inc VAT)
    Above is the code in question... on upload I'm getting an out of context coding error for the use of ProductPriceRaw within

    <actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::ProductPriceRaw" />
    Any clues??
    Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


    Have you tried copying out the code in the layout (i.e. backing up) and then reverting the layout to factory defaults?

    See what the difference is between the two layouts and then adjust your old one if necessary to use the correct syntax.


    Jos Medinger

    Tel : 01978 843 962
    Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


      Or just use the compare facility and save yourself some time?


        Fixed itself - twas a parse error on a permutation that was causing it it would appear... not the template itself, hence it appeared "all of a sudden".

        (For reference, a permutation was set to associated product price, but no associated product was selected - the box was mysteriously blank - set the associated product to what it should have been, problem has now vanished.)
        Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


          Originally posted by Marci
          Fixed itself - twas a parse error on a permutation that was causing it it would appear... not the template itself, hence it appeared "all of a sudden".

          (For reference, a permutation was set to associated product price, but no associated product was selected - the box was mysteriously blank - set the associated product to what it should have been, problem has now vanished.)
          This is a perfect example of how to post a result for future use.

          Nice one Marci.
          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            I only spotted it due to a RIDICULOUSLY wide dropdown selector box whilst flipping thru the site, which pushed the pagewidth beyond that viewable on my monitor... when I checked the content of the dropdown list, saw the parse-error listed (and yes, this error was also displayed live on my website as it had gone unnoticed), otherwise I'd have been trying all of the above.

            I'm guessing the way in which Actinic performs it's PHP functions precludes it from displaying a PHP-related error for the warning to hint to look elsewhere than simply a monkey's coding cockup within a template...

            Basically, Actinic was "incorrectly" reporting an out of context coding error. That was an after-effect. The error itself was in one of the PHP Functions failing due to a missing reference, which in turn caused the Variable to fail also. Dunno if there's any way for the Actinic peeps to make the error-reporting a bit more precise and report parse errors (??)... t'would certainly save time for other folks who might not spot the actual cause of the error.
            Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


              I believe CD is looking into just this at the moment in trying to get actinic to provide more user friendly, helpful and understandable error message in some areas. I think this will help us a lot in the future.

