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Adding extras based on quantity?

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    Adding extras based on quantity?


    First post here - Im currently developing my first actinic site and (touchwood) have progressed reasonably well with the technicalities, still to tackle the design, however I have one issue I cant seem to find an easy solution for:

    My site is for laminate flooring sales and the client is keen to add in ancillaries (adhesive,spacers, etc) based on the quantity of flooring ordered. For example if the customer orders 5 packs of flooring, there is a relationship between this and the amount of, say, adhesive required and this is flagged up as an option for the customer: "hey youve ordered 5 packs of flooring - this requires 2 tubs of glue, 25 spacers, etc - would you like to add these to your cart?" type of thing...

    I would really appreciate being pointed in the right direction to acheive this!

    Thanks in advance

    Hertfordshire web design
    UK Web Hosting


    This is not possible using standard actinic features as your site is static and not dynamic as you would get with an online database solution. I think you have 3 options:
    1. Fragment at the top explaining the relationship between these product, i.e. for every 4 metres of laminate you will need 500ml of glue and having the product listed on the same page with possibly a single add to cart button per page.
    2. Include the ancillaries somebody will need as standard, so a package price in effect, with all you will need on one product, adjust prices to suit of course.
    3. Contact somebody like Norman to see what it will cost to have some custom work completed to do this for you.

    Standard relationship between products and components is one-to-one, not one-to-variable.



      this could be a bit of a show stopper for me (or my client). I didnt think it would need to be dynamic in order for; 1 x Product A = 0.2 x Product B, and then be able to add product B?

      Thanks for proposing solutions:

      1. Involves customer calculations - not really on
      2. Will end up with part quantities of ancillaries and not really give the customer the choice NOT to purchase
      3. Who is Norman?

      Thanks again

      Hertfordshire web design
      UK Web Hosting


        Hi Alex,

        Welcome to the forum.

        Norman's user name is 'NormanRouxel' so if you do a search on his name you should be able to email him directly from his profile. Norman is very knowledgeable and I am sure he will be able to help you.


