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MulitSite weirdness…lost CC#’s

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    MulitSite weirdness…lost CC#’s

    I have business mulit-site v8.5.1.1.

    This is what has happened

    I currently have 2 sites running. Site1 and Site 2, Site1 is live and Site2 is not.
    Site1 requires me to log-in Site2 does not.

    When I fired up Actinic this morning it loaded Site2 (no login required), I then switched to Site1 and downloaded the orders as usual.

    I print the data entry report and notice there are no credit card details, I think…hmm weird. So I open the invoice and there they are in the progress and payments details, I should have written them down.

    I then switch to an order from yesterday, this order was not processed because the customers CC was declined. I print this data entry report and all the details are there, fine and dandy. I switch back to the order from this morning, still nada so I figure I will restart Actinic.

    I reboot and open the first order, still nada…I then open the order from yesterday and now its CC details are gone. I open a second order from yesterday (that was fully processed) its CC number is ok. I check all older orders and they are ok.

    There are a few other weird things about mulit-site I have noticed. If I log into Site2 (no login required) then switch to Site1(login required)….I don’t have to log in! Whats up with that?

    I have tried various things to get this CC number back, export to file, turn off login etc. I have conceded to the fact that these CC numbers are gone for good and have passed the buck to our sales staff to contact them directly to get their details again. I cant say my boss was impressed.

    I just want to make sure this does not happen again.

    Any ideas would be helpful.

    I have also tried placing a new order myself and everything works ok.

    I think it has something to do with the switching between sites without logging in.


      Not an answer to get the info back but I have experienced the same and resorted to removing the logon / card encryption feature to prevent it happening again.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Originally posted by bluemax
        I think it has something to do with the switching between sites without logging in.
        This could well be the case - I raised this issue with Actinic about the non-security of sites when launching between non-secure and secured.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

