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Combining Store Information from Multiple Actinic Installations

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    Combining Store Information from Multiple Actinic Installations


    First off, I apologise if this is a trivial problem but I've had a quick look round and scour through the Actinic guides I've got but have been unable to find anything that helps.

    Basically, I've put the design and configuration together for an Actinic store for a client, while he's been working on building his product catalog. The design and catalog work have been done on separate computers - both running Actinic 8.

    I was looking for some information on the easiest way of taking the catalog produced by my client, and combining it with the design/config that I've been working on.

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Andrew Gatenby
    Andrew Gatenby
    · Freelance Web Design
    · Web Development
    · SEO Consultancy

    Import an export that he does his end, into your version, you will get all of his products plus your design then. <File> menu.


      I think it would be best to keep the products apart from any design. get your client to export the catalog (products, sections etc). make sure ou have a good snapshot and backup, then import the products etc. into your design.

      When you have checked everything you can send your client a full snapshot of your completed design with the products. I also make a full site1 folder zip file available as well in case there are any issues with the snapshot import.

