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No Inner Layout Appearing

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    No Inner Layout Appearing

    I've created my brochure page in dreamweaver and registered the design with Actinic. I've then added an Inner Layout area which is clearly visible in the source code AND it displays in Actinic.

    When I publish the site though its just not appearing?

    The brochure page is at

    Any ideas?

    Lake District Web Design
    Virtual Tours and Panoramas

    Hi Andrew,

    The INNERLAYOUT which you can see in the source should be generated into the brochure bulk code. I tested registering your design from the source to my Actinic store and it looked fine.

    How are you publishing the site?

    Does it look OK in the offline preview?

    Have you tried re-registering the design?

    Toby Blanchard



      Apologies for not getting back sooner.

      I'm publishing the site to a linux server by doing a website refresh. If I do a full site preview, there is no content, but the page appears correctly in a page preview.

      Looking at the source code there seems to be problems around the meta tags, with some pages having ">">">"> at the top of the page. I've tried manually editing some of the tags but no success here either.

      I've tried re-registering the design but still no joy.

      I've spent hours trying to get this to work and can't afford any more time on it so have all but given up on Actinic. Sorry :|

      Lake District Web Design
      Virtual Tours and Panoramas



        Looking at the source code of that link, you can see....

        <!-- Meta tags entered into the green 'Online Catalog' icon -->
        <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22GlbMetaKeywords%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" >
        <meta name="keywords" content="<actinic:variable name="GlbMetaKeywords" >">
        <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22GlbMetaDescription%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">
        <meta name="description" content="<actinic:variable name="GlbMetaDescription" >">
        All you need to do is to make sure that following 'GlbMetaKeywords' ( appears in blue ) and 'GlbMetaDescription' the closing tag appears like this...

        <meta name="keywords" content="GlbMetaKeywords" />

        Your code currently reads..

        <meta name="keywords" content="GlbMetaKeywords">

        Save and update the site... I made a copy of the source code on and made that change in the code and opened the html file using a broswer and it now renders the code page without those bits in it..

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

