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Images.. Going, Going.. GONE!

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    Images.. Going, Going.. GONE!

    I have a new one.. well new to me.

    Customer is adding images to his new site and all has been fine until a few days ago.

    Some of the images were not showing.. just giving the empty box with red x.

    I have a snap shot and no matter what image or what location I have it it will not show them.

    To make things more interesting since applying changes it has removed the images that were showing and now it simply doesn’t show anything.. not even the empty box.

    I can’t see that it’s to do with the images or the location so I can only guess it’s a database problem??

    Any ideas on this would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks

    is your customer using Vista?
    if so search the forum to find other threads discussing the same issue


      Originally posted by pinbrook
      is your customer using Vista?
      if so search the forum to find other threads discussing the same issue
      Nope we are both using XP.

      But I think I have fixed it.. I found the files were pretty large 600kb!!

      Compressed it down to 8kb and it shows.. big relief!

      Thanks for helping

