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Email A Friend Problem.

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    Email A Friend Problem.


    I am using the 'Email a Friend' function in my extended information windows. However, I have noticed that it is not working correctly in that the resulting email does not contain the link within the body of the email. Although, it does include the title of the product.

    I was given this code by support to try and rectify the problem, but now I have found that the link is appearing in the body of some emails but not in others.

    Enter e-mail address to tell<br/> 
    a friend about this product
    <input type=text value="" size=30 onchange="
     var thisloc=location.href + '#<Actinic:Variable Name="EncodedProductAnchor"/>';
     if (this.value != '') {
      location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take%20a%20look%20at%20<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductName"/>&body=I%20saw%20this%20and%20thought%20you%20would%20be%20interested. see - '+ thisloc}">
    <input type=button value="Send">
    Also, some of my products have the '®' symbol after them but I have found that this appears with an 'Â' symbol after it in the resulting email title. I am wondering if this could be causing the problem. Has anyone any suggestions as to what may be causing the overall issue?


    Hi, Does anyone have any ideas on this one?



      I have plenty of ideas, but like most people I've been asleep since your first post and your bump, and now its the weekend....

      please exercise a little more patience, someone WILL reply but remember this forum is a mechanism to get unpaid help, thus sometimes you need to wait until a volunteer to come along and reply.



        I initially posted my query early yesterday afternoon at 12:34 P.M. I have had a lot of help from members of this forum which is very much appreciated. Asking the question again was not an act of impatience but simply to see if there was anyone who may have come across the same problem. I do not think it is unreasonable to ask the question again after waiting nearly 24 hours.

        You are indeed correct, it is the weekend and it is my choice to work and by the same token it is your choice to respond or not.

        Clearly, you felt it necessary to respond in this case.

        Have a nice weekend.


          I do not think it is unreasonable to ask the question again after waiting nearly 24 hours.
          We will have to disagree then... most people do feel it is unreasonable to bump a post regardless of time.

          If people bumped all the time the forum would be full of bumps, I was simply asking you to adhere to simple forum ettiquette. This is general forum ettiquette not just this one.

          Yes it is my choice not to reply, but it is also my choice to work at keeping this forum full of useful posts and not bloated with repeated requests for help.

          Alot of people use the "New Posts" option therefore will have seen your post the first time it was asked (and chose not to reply), by bumping you are now subjecting people to seeing it everytime they use the feature which is annoying to say the least. If everyone bumped after 24 hours "New Posts" could be 30% bumps which is 60% more annoying.

          A post with no replies will always attract the attention of Actinic staff who also have the role of clearing up all the posts with zero replies, by bumping you have done yourself no favours.

          As previously stated someone will be along who will reply, and by me replying I am probably helping to keep your post at the top of the list.


            Maybe a mud wrestle could sort this issue out?


              Hi Julie

              I understand from my colleagues in support that they have given up a possible solution. Please can you let us know if its worked and if it has please put up the answer so it will help other's as well.

              Kind Regards
              Kiran Chandran
              Technical Support - SellerDeck

              Further help can also be found at


                Hi Kiran,

                Yes, that is correct. I have just implemented the solution and it has worked.

                The problem was due to the '&' character I had in the short description field within 'Product Details'. This prevents the 'Email a Friend' function from working properly. If the '&' sign is removed from the short description, then the body of the email will be populated. Other than removing the '&' sign and replacing it with 'and' there is no workaround as the '&' is part of a comparison, so if you have this in the short description, Java script thinks that you are comparing something or adding it.

                This also applies to apostrophes.

                I hope this will be useful to other people who are experiencing the same problem.


                  Hows about providing the finished code and instructions to implement it for anyone that finds this thread? I'm sure many would find that useful and your chance to give something back to the forum.



                    The code is as it is on page 35 of the Advanced User Guide (included below)

                    Enter the following code into your product layout:

                    Enter the following code into your product layout:
                    Enter e-mail address to tell a friend
                    <input type=text value="" size=40 onchange="
                    	var thisloc=location.href + '#<Actinic:Variable Name="EncodedProductAnchor"/>';
                    	if (this.value != '') {
                    		location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take%20a%20look%20at%20<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductName"/>&body=I%20saw%20' + thisloc + '%20and%20thought%20you%20would%20be%20interested.'
                    <input type=button value="OK">

                    There was no problem with the code and no changes were made. The solution was listed in my last post.


                      Ah ok Julie, sorry about that. I read the below message in the post and presumed you'd had problems, which actinic had solved offline

                      "I understand from my colleagues in support that they have given up a possible solution. Please can you let us know if its worked and if it has please put up the answer so it will help other's as well."

                      Thanks for clarifying anyway, this appears to be a feature that many are asking for lately and i'm sure it will help many others.

