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Previous/Next Link

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    Previous/Next Link

    I have a link on my pages to the previous and next section -I used the code from AUG. This works ok, but the link is also appearing on pages such as site map, checkout etc.
    I think that I can remove this link by using a block and a condition statement. However I am very new to Actinic and have not quite got the hang of condition statements.
    I would appreciate some help.

    many thanks

    Chris Johnson

    Highlight the block of code you need to hide and then click the green icon "insert block"

    In the pop up start typing PageType and select from the drop down (this will insert in blue text) add a space and then == another space and then enter the pages you need to hide between quotes eg:

    PageType == "Site Map"

    Use the same spelling and capitalisation as per the drop down list under "select page type" ... you can (bracket) the above code insert AND and then add another test for the other pages you wish to hide "Checkout Page 0" etc etc

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Prev/Next Link

      Thank you for the suggestion. I tried the condition as suggested, but it removed the link from all the content pages and I am still getting the coding errors:

      Variable 'SectionPageNamePrev' is used out of context
      Variable 'SectionNamePrev' is used out of context
      Variable 'SectionPageNameNext' is used out of context
      Variable 'SectionNameNextis used out of context

      I also tried setting the PageType == "Content Pages" but this did not work either.


        Sorry - half read what you wanted and combined it with what I have been doing recently.....

        You can use the not equals as the test or possibly safer to attack it the other way and only include it to the sections and brochure pages using the IsSectionLevel .... I have experienced issues trying to remove some code in the cart before using conditional blocks and it failed on the receipt page so turned it on it's head and added it to everything that IS a standard page rather than trying to strip it out when it is NOT.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Thank you, problem resolved.
          As usual a case of programmers reverse logic!


            Thank you, problem resolved.
            As usual a case of programmers reverse logic!

