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I'm a complete failure...

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    I'm a complete failure...

    Dear Actinic Guys..

    I have the upmost respect for you guys as you have a product that appears to have the functionality that a LOT of people have been waiting for for years.

    I tried your demo version (v8.51) with great anticipation ....fully expecting to be spending around £1549 + VAT for the multi user package... yet i have to admit defeat.. i still cannot get STABLE results from the demo..

    During testing i can configure NON SSL with success - then SSL with success... even managed once to get them both working simultaneously successfully - but then for some obscure reason things just 'fail'....

    All of the errors i've experienced have been posted on this forum and yes, some people may have got their systems up and running but i suspect that there are many like me who have thought/may be thinking "Is it worth it?"

    Again, with respect if i'm to pay £1549 + VAT for a package it should NEVER be the case that it MAY or MAY NOT work depending on whether your ISP 'supports' it. The ecommerce solution that we are all no doubt striving for should be able to accomodate all ISP scenarios.... no i'm not a programmer and cannot even start to think about the technical side of things... having said that i'm a potential customer who's waving his hard earned cash at the vendor that can do the business...

    ...and just referring to the Title.. yes i am a failure.. i tried.. i've searched this forum - saw other people with the EXACT same issues (doesn't that in itself concern you?) - i've Googled - had serious words with my ISP ( but have had to admit defeat.. i cannot get a stable working Actinic v8.51 with shared SSL... i'm having to use an alternative with not as many features however, it worked 'out of the box' - ($89)..

    I do have to smile at people's comment along the lines of "do a search and you'll find loads of posts with the same topic" - well that tells me that something just isn't quite right.

    I do know that there are many users who are 100% satisfied with Actinic... and i applaud you... it's that for me i need something a little more robust...

    Anyway....this isn't meant to put anyone's nose out of joint but more of a single potential client's point of view... please think of my points as constructive rather than dismissive....

    Finally, might i suggest that it may be prudent to actually approach various popular ISP's and form some sort of strategy for success? Collate a definitive list of requirements, perhaps even a pro forma for the various settings for ALL scenarios...(i.e. shared SSL etc).

    (Jesus.. ain't typed that much since my HND ! - mind you ASDA are selling 60 bottle of Stella for £20 so that helps numb the pain - and enhance the dodgy grammer)..

    Your not a failure - there are problems with the software and many others are thinking the same as you.


      Originally posted by RuralWeb
      Your not a failure - there are problems with the software and many others are thinking the same as you.
      Thanks for that Malcolm.... nice to know i'm not alone..



        I have a site running using Streamline, if you would like to show me your network settings, i will gladly compare for you. It runs actinic shared SSL too.


          Originally posted by leehack
          I have a site running using Streamline, if you would like to show me your network settings, i will gladly compare for you. It runs actinic shared SSL too.

          we have numerous client sites using streamline so your settings would give us a lead to spot the issue.
          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            my sword by your side!!

            if i should fall in battle, gather my horse and weapons and tell my family where i died!


              Again, with respect if i'm to pay £1549 + VAT for a package it should NEVER be the case that it MAY or MAY NOT work depending on whether your ISP 'supports' it.
              I have to disagree with this, it is impossible for Actinic to test the 1000's of potential hosts out there, all hosts configure slighty differently and restrict different things.

              Therefore you have to decide which of these 2 - software or host - is going to influence your purchase

              choose your software before your host
              choose your host before your software

              There are lots of hosts/hosting packages out there that are incompatible due to hosting restrictions.

              It is very easy to buy hosting without cgi, SMTP, SSL cert, you can not expect all hosts to be compatible.

              For example: Some hosts do not offer SMTP they do this for a reason that fall within their policies - you can not expect Actinic to rewrite the software to fall into line with this when it is very easy to get hosting that does support it.

              Actinic provides a checklist of its hosting requirements and suggest you check this with your host if you are unsure.


                Originally posted by pinbrook
                I have to disagree with this, it is impossible for Actinic to test the 1000's of potential hosts out there, all hosts configure slighty differently and restrict different things.

                Therefore you have to decide which of these 2 - software or host - is going to influence your purchase

                choose your software before your host
                choose your host before your software

                There are lots of hosts/hosting packages out there that are incompatible due to hosting restrictions.

                It is very easy to buy hosting without cgi, SMTP, SSL cert, you can not expect all hosts to be compatible.

                For example: Some hosts do not offer SMTP they do this for a reason that fall within their policies - you can not expect Actinic to rewrite the software to fall into line with this when it is very easy to get hosting that does support it.

                Actinic provides a checklist of its hosting requirements and suggest you check this with your host if you are unsure.
                Does Bill G makes sure his OS software works with everything on the market?

                Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                  does anyone test anything before they sell it?



                    Originally posted by kev67
                    does anyone test anything before they sell it?

                    Test before release??

                    Now theres a concept worth noting AT
                    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting



                      Makes you wonder aye


                        Actinic -> 1
                        x V7 | V8 -> 2
                        x Business (not logged in) | Business (logged in) | Simple Catalog -> 6
                        x CompactHTML | Commented HTML -> 12
                        x Via Search Script (no Highlighting) |  Via Search Script (with Highlighting) | Direct -> 36
                        x Framed (ugh) | Normal -> 72
                        x CSS Theme | Non CSS Theme -> 144
                        x Windows server | Linux server -> 288
                        x SSL | No SSL  | Shared SSL -> 864
                        x Qty on Product Page | Qty Confirmation Page | Qty in Cart | Single Add -> 3456
                        x Internet Explorer | Firefox | Opera -> 10368
                        These are the few things I try to consider when writing a patch. Actinic will doubtless have far more.
                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                          Originally posted by leehack
                          I have a site running using Streamline, if you would like to show me your network settings, i will gladly compare for you. It runs actinic shared SSL too.
                          Thanks for your offer Lee...

                          Here are my settings ...(shared SSL)

                          HTTPPROXYMODE 0
                          HTTPPROXYPORT 80
                          FTPPROXYMODE 0
                          FTPPROXYPORT 21
                          SCRIPTID 1
                          SCRIPTEXT .pl
                          IGNOREPASSIVEERRORS true
                          USERELATIVECGIURLS false
                          PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
                          USEENHANCEFTP true
                          FTPCLIENTTIMEOUT 15000
                          FTPRETRYDELAY 3000
                          FTPSILENT false
                          FTPMAXRETRIES 3
                          FTPCONNECTTIMEOUT 25000
                          SMTPAUTHREQUIRED false
                          SSLPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/
                          SSLCODEBASE ./
                          SSLFTPUSERNAME username
                          SSLFTPPASSWORD password
                          SSLPATHTOCGIBIN /user/htdocs/cgi-bin/
                          SSLUSEPASSIVEFTP true
                          PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/
                          CODEBASE ./
                          FTPUSERNAME username
                          FTPPASSWORD password
                          PATHTOCGIBIN /htdocs/cgi-bin/
                          USEPASSIVEFTP true
                          FTPPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/

                          I've also tried the ../acatalog/ path instead of the /user/htdocs/cgi-bin/

                          When i use the 'test' facility in advanced network settings i get the following messages...

                          1. "Actinic received a bad method error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration".

                          Method Not Allowed
                          The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /cgi-bin/

                          3. Click OK then

                          "The web server returned error code 405 - Server does not support the requested method. Your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts. Contact your ISP or system administrator and have them reconfigure the server"

                          4. when i use the configure website wizard to get the settings i get the following message when i'm prompted for the URL..

                          "The wizard received an error while verifying the web server".

                          Permissions are set at 777 on acatalog & 755 on cgi-bin on both servers.

                          Thanks for your help.. i'd love for someone to say "you're an idiot, just change this setting...."



                            Originally posted by gabrielcrowe
                            my sword by your side!!

                            if i should fall in battle, gather my horse and weapons and tell my family where i died!
                            Have you also taken advantage of the ASDA deal?



                              Hi Ian

                              I have sent you a PM asking for the settings(with username and password that is). Please can you respond to that.

                              Kind Regards
                              Kiran Chandran
                              Technical Support - SellerDeck

                              Further help can also be found at

