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Breadcrumbs again!

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    Breadcrumbs again!

    Hi everyone I know this has been brought up a few times and believe me I have searched every thread and it has been very useful so bare with me on this problem..

    After using the forum in order to find out how to add a breadcrumb trail to extended info pages, I thought I had found the answer. I created a new layout based on parent section list as well as a new selector, and I can now add a breadcrumb trail to the top of my extended info pages easily....

    The problem is I have used the duplicate products function so that I can list the products by brand as well as by product size. When viewing the pages offline the breadcrumbs seem to be correct, however as soon as the site is viewed live it has become apparent that Actinic seems to be getting confused somewhere and as soon as you view the extended info page, through the size section (for example) then the breadcrumb will change to the breadcrumb that would appear if you had viewed that product through viewing the product brands. Obviously this means, clicking on the links will take you back to the Brand section as opposed to the product size section. On further inspection viewing the product through the brand section works ok. It seems to only work one way or the other...

    This can happen either way therefore I think the basics of it are namely down to which section the product was added first, and which section has the duplicate. Anyway was just wondering if anyone knows what could be causing this. I have done a site refresh (thinking maybe some of the old info pages were still on the server) but theres no change.

    Its very confusing because on first impression it appears to work really well and then you realise it hasn't and when viewing through actinic and offline previews everything seems to work perfect.

    Sorry if this is a long post and obviously a bit hard to follow, although a simple problem quite hard to explain

    Any help much appreciated

    Nobody? Come on you guys are normally so quick off the mark , you want links etc so you can have a look? Just seems like a prblem that someone else should have run into this as there nothing wrong with what I have done per say, and from what i've seen the way breadcrumbs are placed on extended info seems pretty standard throughout the forum....


      I think the problem is that, even though you are viewing a duplicate in your size section, the extended info pop up is being called from the original product ( in the brand section) and so is displaying the breadcrumb trial from that item.

      I'm no expert, but I'm thinking that the only way round this would be to not use duplicates as perhaps they don't create their own extended info page but use that of the main product.

      Happy to stand corrected though


        Yeah thinkin about it, that would make sense as when the pages are uploaded there is only one extended info page per product, so obviously can only have a single breadcrumb per page.

        Time to think about tricking actinic to create duplicate extended info pages as well then

