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Fragment Error

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    Fragment Error


    I'm trying to upload my site to test (unsuccessful so far ) and I keep getting the error "One of the fragments is too large for the index. Fragment size is 847. Maximum fragment size is 255. Fragment =... a whole load of numbers spewed up!!!

    The error occurs when it's checking word index within the checking search indices routine during upload. See attached jpeg.

    Looking through the forum, this error has happened before (see here) and I've tried the suggestions to no avail!!! I've compacted the database, exported to csv and deleted all my fragments. I still get this error.

    An old snapshot (really old snapshot) works. I don't really want to go back to this.

    I've even tried to overwrite the database of the last 'good snapshot' with the database from the snapshot that's giving me this error. Didn't work - still got the frag error!!

    Has anyone got any ideas what it could be please?

    Thanks in advance

    Attached Files

    First of all, why do you leave it so long in between snapshots? When will you guys learn! I took 12 snapshots today on a site that i am working on - protect your time FFS. There's a snapshot tutorial on my site explaining what to do. You are playing with fire big time - learn before it is too late!

    Try a compact database before anything else, see if that solves it.

    Have you been into the database at all?

    As for the fragment problem, you may be lucky on this one. How many have you got? Copy the text from them into a text file outside of actinic, delete them and then reset them up. Or you can also select to hide all brochure pages with fragments within, to see if you can narrow it down to which one is causing the problem. Slowly introduce each one, hoping to find which one (if it is only one) is causing the problem.

    A snapshot takes a couple of minutes to do, you've already wasted 100 times this amount trying to solve something that could easily be solved by a recent snapshot import. Fate may just be giving you a friendly warning to protect your investment - ignore that message at your own peril!


      Hi Lee

      What can I say? I got no excuses. !!! To make things worse, I read your tutorial on snapshots when I first started out!!! Say no more.....

      Try a compact database before anything else, see if that solves it.
      Compacting the database sorted out my snapshot restore as I got an error trying to import it.

      Have you been into the database at all?
      The db works fine - I can run queries etc... no probs there

      I've tried deleting all the big fragments and I still get the same error. I'll try deleting the small fragments and see if they make any difference!! I'll give it a go tomorrow as I'm calling it quits for today - 16hrs in front of the pc is doing my head in.

      Personally, I've got a gut instinct that the fragments msg is a red herring and it's something else. Don't ask what cos I don't know. The reason why I say that is because fragments are type memo and they can hold more than 800 odd bytes... maybe a file's got corrupted somewhere.

      Thanks for your reply (and good advice)


        It's certainly strange if you have removed the fragments and still get a fragment orientated error, you are probably correct on the red herring error message.

        If you have access, try the database repair within access itself, do this after a database compact within actinic. Make sure you backup the database (option asked on closing) before you do anything though.

        If that solves nothing then it sounds like you will need to register the problem with support. It's probably wise to do this even if you continue to try and solve the problem as they can take some time to look at it.

        It sounds like either a corrupt database or a corrupt record, pinning it down can be a nightmare, say your prayers tonight and tackle it in a structured manner tomorrow. Go through each area systematically removing it from the possibilities.

        Good luck, let us know how you get on.



          Many thanks for your advice and support. I spent most of today trying to pin down the error. I tried removing section by section to nail the error but I kept getting the same error in different sections!!! I uninstalled and reinstalled actinic but that made no difference.

          I've decided to work on the last good backup and reapply my changes. This will probably be quicker.

          I guess it'll teach me a lesson for the future - Update Update Update!!!!

          Once again, thanks for your time, I really appreciate it.


