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Extended Info Page Layout wrong

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    Extended Info Page Layout wrong

    On this page:

    the extended info pop up shows an image, product title (x2), descriptive text plus buy button and "other customers also bought" list.

    However my laptop version is showing that the layout should only have image, product title (x1) and descriptive text.

    This is the standard "Name and Info Text displayed right of image" layout which I have reverted back to factory settings. This layout is selected as my Extended Info Page layout however does not load up on my site. Instead a layout shows with add to cart buttons etc. Everything looks fine in my preview window within Actinic but not online.

    What can be causing this error?

    I have had all my files on the web server deleted by my host (total different story), however a total refresh of the site hasn't fixed it either.
    Last edited by remmo; 21-Jun-2007, 05:38 AM. Reason: Just clarifying question


    Can you check if either in

    1) 'Settings | Site Options | Extended Information'

    2) 'Product Details | Extended Information'

    have the 'Type of Extended Information Page' set to 'Opens in same window'?

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce,

      Both locations show "opens in pop up window"


        Sorry for not getting back earlier, you will have to take this up with support. We will have to check this one for you.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Hello Bruce,

          Is support a little slow at present. I emailed last Thursday but till now have not had any response at all. Ticket number is 00113717... normally support is much quicker.

          Pity, I have Cover but can't really call you guys because I'm in Australia


            Get yourself a Skype phone - calls to UK support at 1.2p per minute (I have to pay VAT on that, but you won't)

            And if you tell the support people you are on Skype chances are one of them might give you their skype ID - and then the call would be free.
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT



              I am chasing that ticket up for you. Like Bill say's you could get skype but getting a skype ID of support would be another thing .

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King



                I got the snapshot you sent into support and had a look at it. The issue is with the layout you are using.

                Go into 'Design | Library | Extended Information Links', click on the + to expand and then right click on 'Standard Extended Information Links' and then select 'Revert to Factory Layout'.

                Now go to the 'Content' tab and select your problem product. Now switch to the 'Design' tab and in check in the 'Layout code' pane to see if you are on the product layout,

                look for 'ProductName' and you should see 'Standard Extended Information Links' right click on this and select 'Edit Appearance', on the display that appears, against 'Use Fixed Layout', click in the area and from the drop-down select, 'No ()'. Click on OK.

                Now you will see that the link appears twice in the preview. This is because this product layout has a bit of the 'Extended Information' layout in the lines immediately below the bit we just fixed above.

                You should see

                block if
                block if
                <br />
                <a href="ExtendedInfoPageName">

                block if
                <br />
                Button Image Opens In Same Window

                Select the whole bit and delete it. Click on apply and update the site. You should now have normal extended information pop-up pages.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Thanks Bruce,

                  That fixed the problem - even though I had to do a complete site refresh as somehow I kept getting internal server error messages on all section pages.


                    Could that be due to the geo trust bit you have on your outerlayout. I had to comment it out here to speeden up page refreshes within Actinic.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King


                      The Geotrust logo has made my site previews take for ever... however everuthing appears to be working smoothly again. Have noticed an increase in trade since installing Geotrust so I can put up with the slow preview or the hassle of commenting it out when working on the site.

