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Hierarchical Pain!

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    Hierarchical Pain!

    A property client has to import a mass amount of data. So the import fields that are currently there are not valid. So i add new variables. I have tried various ways of importing and i get various errors (cause nothing works!)

    Then i try exporting a sample and working from that, cause the variables are shown on there so i assume i can just insert the products under the correct fields. But its still throwing up an error "No fields where found on the first line of the file!" I didnt edit anything else!!

    Please can anyone help me!?

    It would help if you attached some lines of your import file.

    Also note that there was a bug in v850 (fixed in v851) that stopped variables from being updated on importing.



      Please find the file attached. The items that i added are the ones at the bottom. Ref -> property.

      I'm on version 8.5.1
      Attached Files


        Never mind I sorted it out. It turned out the i was working from the main csv file and editing it there. When i should have been working from the excel file and saving as csv. Doh... what a palava!

