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Invisible Text

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    Invisible Text

    Hi Folks

    Please be patient with me as I'm a new user and not exactly a whizzkid, just determined to get over my problems.

    I have a few odd bits of text that are invisible (obviously the same colour as the background) but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change the text alone without screwing up something else. My site is miles from ready yet so I've just thrown it up temporarily here. Highlight through the left hand menu to see the odd text appear, I have the exact same problem in the view cart box at the top, it's totally foxed me!

    Finally, any idea on how I crop the long header bar so that site stays in middle of page?

    I have a million more questions and problems so hope you guys don't mind helping.

    Many thanks

    The text styling is coming from:

    .text_heading_left_column {
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    padding-top: 19px;
    padding-right: 0px;
    padding-bottom: 4px;
    padding-left: 0px;
    line-height: normal;
    color: #ffffff;
    font-weight: 900;
    font-size: 13px;

    with color: #ffffff set as white

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Product Sections text is invisible, if you view the source for the code

      <p class="text_heading_left_column">Product Sections</p>
      see the class text_heading_left_column ?

      go to ActinicStylesheet and investigate the colour for this I expect it is white ie #FFFFFF or it may be set to a palette colour, which in turn is white (for palette colours go to Themes/colours)


        Thanks guys, though I was dreading answers like that. I've absolutely no idea what either of you are telling me except that I know how to get into the palete area of themes and this seems to be where I have the problem as it changes 2 things at once!

        It is in section palette colour 1, if I change the colour of that it fixes the text problem but puts the background behind the logo to the same colour which obviously I want left at ffffff.

        Can you give it to me in Idiot Terms please?

        Oh, and I have no idea what Actinic Style Sheet is either!

        Told you I was no whizzkid



          You need to step back and have a long think about what you are trying to acheive.

          Go back to themes/colours

          and set these so you have colours defined for background colours and colours for text.

          Obviously you can not define a background colour of white and text colour as white also. Stick to thems/colours and you won't need to get involved in actinic stylesheet, (css).


            Originally posted by Kultya
            Oh, and I have no idea what Actinic Style Sheet is either!
            This is the page that literally styles the code on the page - sets font types, colours, sizes, positions etc. You can find it under the design tab ... against "page type" click the drop down and look for Actinic Stylesheet

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Thanks guys. Took me an age to figure out as it simply had palette1 as the variable, i just changed that to palette2 and it worked for me.

              Managed to edit the cart area but am still unable to see the generated the figures actually in the cart as they are still invisible.

              Any ideas where I might find that?



                the quickest (and easiest) way to pick that text out in particular might be to click on it in the design preview pane and edit the variable that comes up for them (right click, edit appearance) you can give them their own colour there.

                That's what I'd do anyway


                  You have probably overridden their colour when you changed the palettes. Get it back to normal and then start again, you can endup changing colours left right and centre thinking you've sorted it, only to find some obscure pages that you rarely check have now been buggered.

                  Keep it simple why you are learning and use a standard palette.


                    Thanks Tracey, thats a handy little one to know but it still won't work with the value and quantity in the cart, I've tried everything with that now and pretty much given up, if I knew the code for it I could find it but have no idea.

                    Lee, that's exactly what was happening to me but being able to assign a different variable onto the text has fixed that part, just stuck with the cart bit now!

                    Great help so far, will have more questions tomorrow, sorry


